[center] [color=4BE2A3][h3]Naija[/h3][/color] [color=4BE2A3]Lvl[/color]: 1 [color=4BE2A3]Day[/color]: 1 [color=4BE2A3]Location[/color]: Forest surrounding the Demon lord's Castle [color=4BE2A3]Speaking with[/color]: Mario/General Brigan [@Holy Soldier], Fox McCloud[@Etherean Fire] [color=4BE2A3]Mentions[/color]: none [color=4BE2A3]Word Count[/color]: 1,132 [color=4BE2A3]Seed deployed[/color]: Napple Seed (needs 8) [/center] Fox immediately set off, and Naija watched with interest from her hiding spot as he drew a small boxy object and used it to fire of multiple bursts of fast, thin, bright red projectiles up at the flying Valkyries, striking down two of them before another 10 of them swooped down after him in response. That the battle was initiated in earnest and the Valkyries began bear down on fox, screeching battle cries, yet their leader flew on, their attack having not stalled him or even caught his attention. She had hoped he would at least be given pause to command his warriors to investigate but they had responded immediately without direction from their king. They would need to hit him personally if they were going to draw his ire and fox was tied up with his pursuers, so shooting at him was currently out of the question. In her mind they would need to clean out the current pack and then catch up, if they could. Distracted by Fox’s gun fire then the approaching Valkyries and their screeching she did not notice the now hulking Mario till he leaped up and snatched her boulder and in a deep, rumbling voice asked her to toss him at their enemy. She was surprised at his growth, It was fortunate that so far the plumber’s cloths did not simply rip off his body at the slightest flex of his now bulging musculature. She had to admit, she was initially spooked by his sudden appearance and unfamiliar voice, if she had any powers or weapons on her it is likely she would have shot him in a panic, as it was she simply let out a gasp at his appearance and almost fell out of the tree, but managed to compose herself at the last second. Also he was essentially giving her orders and ignoring her ‘small detachment’ plan in favor of going for glory and taking on the Demon Lord Himself which was frustrating to no end. However on the plus side whatever change had occurred it had allowed him to remember her name as well. That or he was intentionally not using it before and only now in the heat of battle was such taunting put aside. Whichever it was it would have to wait, because marios plan was a rather good one, no-one could ignore the mighty Italian flying at them, hammer in hand, presumably shouting a warcry and thus hopefully the Demon lord would be forced to come back and deal with them, because he was currently getting away much faster than she would like. Even if he was disobeying orders it would not do to waste valuable time arguing with him when Fox was in-danger, she would do this and then she would help their vulpine team member. ”[color=4BE2A3]Remember, we only need to stall him, if we retreat meet us back at the clearing we arrived in. Alright let's do this, hold on tight Mario. I’ll back you up after me and fox clear out the Valkyries, just bring that big bastard down to the ground.[/color]” Then she positioned herself so that she could chase after the flying foe and as the Valkyries began to tear into the forest she began to leap after Odin, trailing the boulder and hopefully Mario as well. She leaped deftly from branch to branch, building speed with each quick bound, physically and mentally straining at the additional weight she was being forced to drag along, the plumber tugging at the bond she had weaved with the Verse around the rock, which was threatening to snap at any moment. Finally she arrived directly under the demon king and grabbed hold of the closest tree, coming to a complete if jarring stop, the rock hurtled toward her, looking like it would crush her. It was instead deflected by the Verse and all the momentum shifted at a right angle to the deflection point, where normally it would result in the object swing around her in an arc. However in this situation Naija had begun singing the Bind song as they approached the Demon Lord, the first two green notes reverberating through the trees as their life force responded to the thrum of the Verse. Then the final purple E note rang out just as all of the force of the trailing rock was redirected upwards to stop it colliding with her, and so the rock and its trailing plumber were launched directly at the Demon King. Whether it would hit him was another matter entirely, but hopefully the plumber could add his own power to the toss, perhaps jumping from the rock if a course correction was required. Whatever the result, Naija was sure that Odin would not be able to ignore what they had just done, her entirely non stealthy approach and the flying Mario would make sure of that. ”[color=4BE2A3]Good luck![/color]” Sparing nary a second glance to what occurred with the plumber and the Demon king, she then rushed to where Fox was being attacked by the Valkyries, leaping through the branches to the rather obvious region of devastation and loud battle cries, the dark winged women were inflicting a horrible scar on the beautiful dark forest and though fox was not dead yet she was somewhat ashamed to have simple abandoned him while she indulged Mario and his plan. She would need to make up for it, either picking them off or drawing some of them away. With her leaping traversal she managed to catch up with and then trail the marauding band, trying to decide how she would go about this, sans rock as she now was. Quickly making her decision, she aproched the rear of the group, hoping stealthily through the trees just parallel to them then lept out, quickly singing the bind song again, this time much shorter as she was not having to draw out the notes in order to time a launch, landing behind them and wrapping the Verse around the armor of the rearmost Valkyrie. She would attempt to leap forward, still behind the group, dragging the unfortunate woman's armor off of her and hopefully stripping her of the ability to chase fox. This kind if thing she knew worked against turtles and other armored creatures, she hoped it would work on the flying warrior as well. If they could find her after the battle was over she may prove to be a carrier of the Virus for the council's scientists to inspect. Having done so she would leap away again, intending to draw some of them off if they had heard her so that she and fox could deal with a smaller group each or perhaps repeat the maneuver if their screaming had masked her singing.