[center][h1][color=gold]The Jacks: Highway Robbery[/color][/h1] [@The Wild West][@Kafka Komedy][@yoshua171][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][/center] The confirmation that Gamble's convoy had not one, but two Protectorate heroes guarding it was not enough to sway the Jacks from their assigned job. In response they merely gave the plan some minor adjustments and hurried along the preparations and so now... It is go time. The convey approached with the transport vehicle in the middle, the two escorts in front and back. The line snaked over the horizon, around the multiple hills that lined the interstate, until it was the perfect opportunity. Headhunter fired three shots from his massive gun. [b]BANG. BANG. BANG.[/b] In quick succession the vehicles began to slow down and swerve, the drivers attempting to regain control. The transport in the back collided with the highway median, resulting in another two cars crashing into it from behind. That had effectively cut the scene off from any civilian traffic approaching from the South. Meanwhile the lead escort and the transport truck were having a difficult time of things. The front escort was approaching Sofia at an alarming rate, something she could easily tell by sound with her eyes clenched shut. It swerved in an attempt to miss the young teenage girl and succeeded in crashing through the guard rail and sliding down the hill. Anybody that had been in that truck would undoubtedly be in for a long hospital stay. The transport truck, however, was less controlled and barreled right through Sofia regardless as to what the driver had wanted. That is exactly what the young parahuman wanted, though. With the vehicle now in contact with her body (well, through her body, anyway) she could ignore it. The wheels sank down into the ground as planned and once the transport truck had passed completely through her it was no longer effected by her powers. Thus Newton's law of motion came into play in a most violent manner, as the wheels were no longer tangible to the ground they fused with concrete and asphalt. The transport truck tore itself clean off of its axles, though not without destroying a fair amount of the highway street alongside it. Within a few moments the truck skidded to a stop, twisting a bit. The landing zone was not as ideal as planned, but since it was only off by approximately 25 feet all in all they did a good job. Sight around the scene became difficult to make out as all the smoke from blown out engines, burning rubber, and torn to shit highway debris floating in the air. There was no response from any of the vehicles for a good few seconds, but then the doors kicked open and four PRT soldiers came running out, armed with guns and definitely roughed up but ready and willing to fight. One immediately began opening fire on Sofia, for all the good that did. Eyes still closed, still "ignoring" danger, the projectiles phased right through her and harmlessly into the side of the back escort vehicle. A second soldier took cover behind the median and opened fire upon the slowly approaching Love Craft. The bullets were rubber, as anticipated, but he was using a semi-auto rifle and it hurt like a [i]bitch[/i]. The other two soldiers took a moment to get their bearings and found cover, then once they had themselves reoriented began shooting uselessly at what had to seem like a ghost girl and a walking juggernaut. Chatterbox and Arsenal were hidden for the moment, safely behind the car and unnoticed by the PT soldiers. Headhunter's position hadn't been found yet, but it would be impossible for them not to realize that a sniper was nested somewhere. Four soldiers, but no capes. Had the vehicular abuse already knocked the Protectorate capes out? Were they too injured to participate? Such a thing was possible, but seemed unlikely. [hr] [h2][center]The Minutemen and Others - Denver Skyline[/center][/h2] [center][@Banana][@The Wild West][@Nattook][@Kafka Komedy][@j8cob][/center] Furnace gave G4M3R a moment to contact his team, these "Minutemen," and they quickly began to arrive on the same rooftop that the duo had found themselves forcibly atop. The woman clad in green with white facepaint took a running leap, helped by the use of her powers that apparently allowed manipulation of the concrete and cement. Artificer came flying over on his, well, fly. With him his mount carried the other young woman wearing a domino mask, the original hostage that Sonika had taken. Was she part of the group too? Furnace only knew of the team founder and the second tinker, Artificer, but their website had a recruitment drive going. The kid mentioned it in the game streams Furnace had seen. Maybe she was completely new, like this cosplay woman? Regardless the experienced hero's attention found itself completely dominated by... [i]Something.[/i] Some sort of creature apparently of alien design appeared seemingly from nowhere, flying up from the streets and straight after the Russian super villain. G4M3R said nothing but his shock could not have been more apparent. The painted woman commented in a rather subdued manner, not exactly the reaction of someone amazed but it was definitely unfamiliar to her as well. Artificer though, he didn't react to the creature the least bit. From what Furnace could gather, and further evidenced by the giant wooden fly, Artificer was a tinker that could make things thought impossible even by the standards of other tinkers. Could this sky-serpent be his own creation? Furnace had to consider, then dismissed the thought. The others wouldn't have been so shocked to see it otherwise. [color=orange]"I have... Absolutely no idea what the hell that thing is."[/color] Ideas began pouring forth through his mind. A new parahuman? Possibly, but what side is it on? A new Endbringer? It didn't appear to be wreaking untold havoc and destruction, but then again neither did the Simurgh in her first appearance. Troubling. Very troubling. The sight of Artificer landing with the young woman snapped his attention back to his original focus. [color=orange]"Well whatever it is, there's nothing I can do right now. Are you ok, ma'am? If you need any emotional support, I am here for you."[/color] The hero did not seem to be treating Celia like a hero, considering he did see her mask. Rather he seemed to be treating her like any normal person that had been put through a harrowing, potential traumatic experience. Was this some kind of superiority condescension? Or would he have reacted this way for anybody?