[color=steelblue] "Not fiends..." [/color] Dallen muttered, taking in his fifth shot of whiskey. He was now broke, but it didn't matter. He could already hear the chaos starting from outside the Cracked Glass. The sound of gunfire suddenly rose, higher calibers sounding off in Dallen's ears as he noted the change. A few buildings down the block were already on fire. [color=steelblue] "King Krezzman...and he's here." [/color] He looked at Redding as he spoke, not seeing Annelise anywhere in view. It appeared that they had taken too long to get out of New Reno, as the once further distant sounds of chaos suddenly encompassed the bar. They were already surrounded, though luckily not the main focus. Dallen stood before them all for just a moment longer before pulling out his sidearm and taking aim toward the entrance. Smoke canisters filled the streets, as random bursts of gunfire went off in various areas. [color=steelblue] "This might be a good starting point..." [/color] Dallen said to the other merc in the room. He had no idea how good any of these people were in a fight, but it was a fight they were going to get regardless. The first raider busted into the entrance in a hurry, not fully realizing how many were inside. The raider and Dallen had a slight second staredown, before Dallen put a bullet in his brain. The next few coming were not quite as dumb as the first, staying behind cover as they opened fire into the bar. Dallen flipped a table over for cover, as most of the gunfire coming in flew over his head. There was no time for introductions, but from what he overheard of the group just a moment ago, he knew Lilith was a merc and Redding and his comrades probably knew how to fight back, seeing as how Redding, much like Dallen, had been good at surviving street side bar shootouts. The bat shit crazy girl was the wildcard, and probably would rather chase the bullets then flee from them. It didn't really matter much though, as even if they were all the best trained mercenaries in the country, King Krezzman had an army it seemed. [color=steelblue] "There a back way out?" [/color] he asked Redding, of which he was unsure if his voice carried over the intense noise. Dallen returned blindfire back to the aggressors as he looked in the group's direction, still wondering where Annelise was.