[@Dark Light] "Right?" Grayson chuckled at the joke as he decided on a ration bar and tore into the packaging before taking a chomp of the chewy, bland rectangle "There's a whack in a mask called Saul, he's supposedly a cook. If he can do any better than this pre-hashed shit, it'll be a miracle." "Well, same reason most of us are here I suppose. I got a little bit, uhh, what's the word.... catfished myself. Hired to take out the Executor by some fop who'd be next in line for her job. Figured it was easy enough, found her commute schedule, picked a location, went and set-up, one shot from on high, make my escape, get paid. Turns out it was the bitch herself took out the contract, I'd shot a double and walked right into an ambush at the spaceport I'd docked in. Looking for an excuse to get me on this heap. Me and a goddamn 'bot I can't seem to rid myself of." "The rest are takin' it in stride, all things considered. No one's snapped an' hauled out a blaster to frag the lot of us yet at least. The one in charge, Stryker, I think he's a bounty hunter, seems the type at least. From his attitude, doesn't feel like he wants to be here, and he's not used to leading. He's definitely not Alliance, but he's got some connection to 'em. So what about you mate?" He choked down the second half of the ration bar, and leaned back against the counter, awaiting the response.