A soft sigh escaped the messy-haired musician as he got off the crowded bus, stepping foot onto the campus of Pakora Academy for the first time. He stood there for a few moments, taking in the sights of the large school grounds, and the students all funneling into the main building. As he felt the day's heat, he was very glad with his his decision to wear a pair of shorts, paired with an A Day To Remember bad shirt(http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mxy6683oQA66HKszAcJW9pg.jpg). With his guitar case in one hand, his suitcase in the other, and his laptop bag on his back, he started walking into the school, and into his new life. Zac felt a little out of place, most of the other students very visibly demi-human, with wings or different colored skin, fur, or tails, whereas he had none of these interesting features. He tried not to let it bother him though, keeping a positive spin on. So many different kinds of people to meet. He took another deep breath, smiling to himself as he followed the large trail of people into the auditorium, taking a seat near the back. Watching the student body president's speech, he couldn't help but chuckle a little, but also cringe as she dropped the mic. The resulting loud noise hurt his sensitive ears, plus the disrespect for musical equipment was a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't stop himself from admiring the girl's attitude. After the speech, he walked over to one of the tables with drinks on them, pouring himself a drink, and looking around the room, examining the different students. He was quite a shy person, when he didn't know anyone, so he stayed where he was, just watching. Maybe he could find someone who he shared music taste with and recognized his shirt, or someone who saw the guitar case sitting beside him and was a musician themselves.