[b][color=92278f][h3][center]Kyoko Sakura[/center][/h3][/color][/b] Now before anything else could be said or done, yet another new person appeared. Seemingly not a shy kind, the angel-like being went all "friend" with Edward despite them appearently not knowing each other. There might be some backstory for them but, quite frankly, Kyoko didn´t care. She was more interested in the angel´s appearance, since that was a fairly unusual thing to see. Just like a ghost, she has never seen an angel, or half-angel before so it was quite interesting for her. There were other interesting things going on at the moment though. Edward finally introducing himself too and explaining how he was human. Now something seemed different about Edward, but Kyoko did not bother asking. There seemed to be more going on, but it was realy just something private probably which is why Kyoko didn´t ask. Although it was questionable to her... demi-humans were not a publically known species up until very recently, so their parents knowing each other did ring some bells. Anyway, Kyoko was rather amused by his statement. [color=92278f]"You are a human [i]obviously[/i]? You can barely ever tell if someone here is human. Don´t judge someone by there appearance~"[/color] Kyoko winked and smiled brightly. [color=92278f]"Obviously I am referring to the fact that I mistook our ghostly figure here for a human... kind of emberassing mistake isn´t it?"[/color] All while talking to the others, Odette was staring at Kyoko actually making her feel slightly uncomfortable, until she finally said her own name. [color=92278f]"U...uhm... Odette? I assume that´s your name then? Awesome! Such a unique name~"[/color] This time Kyoko actually reached her hand out to touch Odette´s shoulder, this time actually feeling her skin for longer than half a second. It felt cold, unsurprisingly. Kyoko did expect it anyway! Yet her smile didn´t change and she kept her friendly face up until turning back to Edward. [color=92278f]"What we are doing here? Well to study, duh. Jokes aside, this academy is amazing. It has everything one would need! And I really jumped at the oppertunity to meet demi-humans... I find them so fascinating? Isn´t it so, Edward?[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@TheHangedMan] [@Letter Bee]