[img]http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/digital_art/1_miscellaneous_digital_art/21270_1_miscellaneous_digital_art_futuristic_futuristic_city.jpg[/img] In 2007, the bombs fell and brought the world to its proverbial knees. Nations fell and the populace plummeted. For years, what was left of the world struggled to survive in the harsh landscape that they had been left with. New monsters known as Thrull soon appeared, and life became that much harder to live. Little hope remained in those who were left. Then one day, much like the Thrull, another new anomaly was created. This time however, they were saviors. The first Knights were born, suits of seemingly magical armor would envelop those who were truly blessed, and the scraps of Humanity saw slivers of hope shining through the darkness. Due to their appearance, they came to be known as "Knights." With limitless potential and the Knights on their side, humanity aimed to restore the planet to its glory, sustainable and safe. 400 years later, civilization has stabilized in certain areas of the world. Large mega-cities dot the mostly barren landscape without fear of resources and danger, while small settlements struggle to find the will to keep going. The largest of these cities is known as "Radiance", the shining beacon and genesis of the new world. People and Knights alike make their home here. Radiance is split into various self governed districts, but the city as a whole is governed as one. At the helm of this city state lies the Core Knights. Mysterious, immeasurably powerful, and revered, the Core Knights stand atop the pyramid for humanity. Some may even refer to them as gods, for their word can be contrived as near-absolute. From the center of the great city, they command not only the great city of Radiance, but any Knight who pledges themselves to restoring mother Earth. Our Role: Our group of individuals has been specially selected from databases to form what is known as "Recovery Bastion." As Knights of varying calibers and abilities, our mission is to recovery lost technology and information from various landscapes scattered throughout the world and ruins. Will we help usher humanity to its next stage? Or will we perhaps uncover only dark truths about the world around us? Join us in Recovery Bastion, and with our abilities, let us search out the unknown in search of a new age. Glossary: [hider= Guardias] A mysterious suit of armor that can be summoned by humans. It grants the wearer great power that can take many forms, and for many, is a shining beacon that humanity can rise up from the depths of its own carnage. Included are some visual concepts of what a Guardias could potentially look like. http://pre04.deviantart.net/0441/th/pre/f/2011/138/2/3/future_holy_knight_by_dibujeitor-d3gohfa.jpg http://pre05.deviantart.net/6243/th/pre/i/2016/033/2/b/tactical_knight_by_johnsonting-d9q88uw.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-plfkpqA1whM/Uipx3knZanI/AAAAAAAAAMQ/QmzcTgvnMYY/s1600/tone3d_char_main_01.png [/hider] [hider= Knight] Any human capable of summoning a Guardias. [/hider] [hider= Core Knight] Any of the three most powerful Knights in existence. These Knights reside in Radiance and have jurisdiction over all Knights, as well as immense political sway. These include the Black Knight, the White Knight, and the Golden Knight. [/hider] [hider= Bastion] A Bastion is any certified team of Knights. Most are formed from comrades and friends, but on rare occasions special Bastions are assembled by the Core Knights for specific tasks. [/hider] [hider= Radiance] Radiance is the largest city on Earth. Built by the first Knights near what was once Europe, its immense size would make it visible from outer space should humanity find its way there again. Spanning hundreds of miles, it is home to the Core Knights and close to 25 million people. Many Knights and normal humans make this mega-city their final destination not only for the opportunities there, but also the near impenetrable defenses the city is capable of. Technology rapidly passed the state it was in before the war, as the city bolsters four large districts governed by the Core Knights and is entirely self sustained. [/hider] [hider= The Barrens] Any area of the world that is not a settlement or city is known as The Barrens. Despite the rapid advancement of civilization, the Barrens still cover more than 90% of the Earth. They are near inhospitable, and are home to many dangers such as raiders, and more importantly, Thrull. [/hider] [hider=Thrull] Twisted and bizarre creatures known as "Thrull" roam the lands in immeasurable numbers, terrorizing humanity's remains. Disgusting monsters of flesh and bone, they consume anything with a pulse. No one is sure how they came to be, but many find it odd that they possess such strength and tenacity, and some even display more..."peculiar" abilities. [/hider] Major NPCS: [hider= Nazca "The Golden Knight"] Beautiful and glowing, Nazca is by far the most charismatic if the Core Knights. Often seen as the "face" of the Core Knights, he is renowned and loved by all. He is extremely prideful of his abilities and status, and is quick to unleash his fury on any who would his pride or question his power. Nasza governs the Golden District of Radiance, an aristocratic area marked mostly for the wealthy. He aims to instill acts of Prosperity and Fulfillment into the people of Radiance. As the Golden Knight, Nazca is mostly seen manipulating electricity, and on rare occasions, summoning terrible thunderstorms. [/hider] [hider= Archaon "The Black Knight"] A towering, hulking man of great stature and chiseled looks, Archaon is often silent in his affairs. Mere looks from him alone can convey his feelings, and when he chooses to speak, it is in your utmost interest to listen carefully. Despite his appearance, he is very wise and values those who prove their capabilities. Archaon oversees the Black District of Radiance, and area comprised of factories, mills, and fields. His goal is to hammer in thoughts of Resilience and Dedication into the citizens of Radiance. As the Black Knight, Archaon is able to release molten rock and lava in large amounts from his body, similar to a volcano. [/hider] [hider= Hezen "The White Knight"] Hezen is regarded by many as the "brains" and leader of the Core Knights. Calculating and precise, Hezen can be seen as cold-hearted by many. Despite this, the man does everything in his power to bring forth humanity. Hezen controls the White District, one of the only places in the world that contains and forest and lake. Hezen hopes to inspire those in pursuit of Knowledge and Patience. As the White Knight, Hezen is able to manipulate small areas to temperatures of near Absolute Zero, freezing them instantly. [/hider] [hider= Iris] One of many dispatchers and Bastion Comm Officers, Iris relays information from the Core Knights to this story's group, the Recovery Bastion. Rarely seen away from her station, Iris is spirited and bubbly, similar to a cheerleader, and hopes to do her best in provided for Recovery Bastion. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Sex: Appearance(Human & Guardias): Knight Abilities/Weapons: Personality: Background: [/hider] [hider=Rules] - No God-modding - Be nice - Curse words are allowed, just don't go overboard - Collab before taking control of another player's character - Pretty much everything else is common sense, lets have some fun - Feel free to pitch ideas to me (this world comes from a novel I'm working on that follows another group of characters, and help would be appreciated) [/hider] Also if people would like we can set up Skype for chatting about the RP (or in general I have lots of time).