[h1][color=DarkSlateGray]Nathan Maddox[/color][/h1] [img]http://i0.wp.com/www.radiosefarad.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/alden_ehrenreich.jpg?fit=700%2C466[/img] Name: Nathaniel Maddox Nicknames/Aliases: Nathan, Nate X-Men Code Name: Siphon Gender: Male Age: 20 Physical Description: Tall but slightly lanky, Nathan is still quite the physical specimen; he isn't jacked or really even all that athletically built but at 6'6" and with naturally thicker bones than the average person he can come off as imposing if not a little standoffish just from his appearance alone. He normally wears hoodies or jackets because despite being hot natured he feels more "comfortable" in them, even though that's mostly a psychological thing. Preferably he wears loose fitting, dark colored jeans or cargo pants and all around prefers comfort over fashion. Mutations: Nathan's X Gene gives him the ability to siphon energy out of anything that he touches. He can drain batteries and other electrical things, absorb nuclear radiation, consume flames, and even siphon the very "vitality" out of human beings. Under extreme circumstances Nathan had been known to "Purge" the absorbed energy out of him in blasts, but he doesn't have control over this ability at this time. Personality: Nathan's a little...socially awkward. Before coming to the Institute he was a home-school only child being raised in an "interesting" family environment; so this will really be his first experience living outside of his childhood home with completely unknown people. It's going to be interesting to say the least. It's also worth noting that Nathan suffers from psychological issues and an intense anxiety disorder, but with the proper medication things can be kept under control. Background: Since he's more or less a glorified NPC I think I'm going to explore revealing this solely in game and see how that plays out. Recap of your mutations awakening: All I'm going to say for now is that it wasn't good...He's ashamed of what he is and honestly doesn't know how to handle everything right now. He's overwhelmed, scared, guilty, and feels like a danger to himself and to others. The rest I'll reveal in game :). I have a lot more that I would normally add but I think that it will be cool to reveal things slowly over time through the actual RP.