As Fortune sat down he did so with an ragged, breathless moan and a loud clanking of armor. From the state of his armor, he looked like he had been dragged through some muddy form of hell. He weighed more then the others, often sinking on ground that the others could walk across with relative ease, the humidity was slowly boiling him alive inside of his armor and his limited vision due to his helm had resulted in him tripping over a number of roots underfoot. The only benefit was that the vast majority of the bugs weren't able to get at him; Most of them didn't seem interested in him when there were plenty of easier targets to go around and the few that did manage to find their way under his armor were relatively tolerable. And then the bloody elf had shown up. While it had been hidden by his helm, Fortune had shown unease the moment that 'Thirodaen' had appeared; Only one kind of elf liked living in highly dangerous forests that sane people wanted to avoid and he wanted [i]nothing[/i] to do with them. Of course, the wizard [i]whom was the only person who knew where they were going[/i] wordlessly trusted the strange elf and had gone off for a walk in the death jungle with him alone. Taking a moment to remove his helm so that he could get the chance to breath properly while gulping down some mildly refreshing water to replace everything that he had lost so far, he decided to ask a very important question. "So... is anyone else concerned that we are being lead by a man who see's no problem taking advice from a random elf that lives in this jungle willing?" Remembering the company he was keeping, he actually turned to look at their one elven companion as he quickly added "I mean no disrespect, but the only elves that I know that live in a forest are freaking insane monsters who like to ride out every spring and randomly murder people."