It was over, hours of torture, was it hours? It felt like hours. Now as he laid here he could hear the crickes outside, the leaves outside moving with the wind. His throat and stomach ached almost like he hadn't drank anything for years. Is this what Elizabeth dealt with all the time. His whole body felt cold, and for the first time, he noticed the small things that he didn't as human. The stillness of his body, the small little pricks of his nervous, the beat of his heart that he could feel in his chest after holding his breath long enough. Was he even breathing? It didn't feel like it. His eyes opened and stared at the ceiling of their bedroom, and almost like she had been reading his mind he saw an hand reach across and push against the wall. A rush of emotions passed over him so quickly that made it hard to think straight. Happiness that she was here, that she hadn't left him. Threatened, she hadn't simply put her hand against the wall simply because it was comfortable, she was trying keep him on the bed. Fear, sadness, betrayed, hopelessness, and angry. Angry that she had did this to him, she said she wouldn't, she lied. She took what little, although painful, bits of his life from him. She ruined everything that they had just to hold on to him. She took his peace. Yes anger was what stuck out the strongest, it was the only clear emotion he could feel as Elizabeth's voice came to his ear. His eyes started at where she held her hand against the wall and followed down to her smiling face as she was speaking. Happy with what she had done, what she had just put him through. "Calm?" He asked as she finished speaking, his voice showing his own anger. "How am I supposed to be calm Elizabeth? My own death would been less painful than the last hours." He said, his tone and anger raising as he did. This level of anger was even beyond him, and yet he didn't have the control to calm down it felt. He needed to sit up, to get away from her, and as the thought formed it in head, his body bolted up to get away. The fact she restrained him didn't help matters, even if it was for the best. Jaspin's mind threw into a panic at the feeling of getting held down, and though he tried to fight his way out of the hold, he was still rather weak from the change compared to Elizabeth. "Let me go, I told you I didn't want this! I trusted you and you did it anyway!" He yelled at her as he tried to get away from Elizabeth. He wasn't even sure why he was yelling at her, he was angry and confused, and on top of it all he felt as though he was straving to death.