[@Lady Amalthea] Oh it's not that. I assure you. Our 1x1 was a matter of time and commitments, I couldn't quite satisfy. To which I still do regret it had happened, but I think 7 days-10 days per 1x1 post and an inability to hammer out good plotlines wouldn't sit to well with you at the time. Again, my apologies for it, even now I'm just barely hanging on with the RPs here. I'm fine with everyone OOCly and I do appreciate everyone giving me options. I just find it exceedingly hard to reason ICly why Thomas should stay. It's a OOC-IC dilemma, on one hand yes I do realize Thomas has options, but Thomas doesn't realize this ICly. So I'd have to give him a reason to stick around without transcending his character. It's a bit of his own guilt added to it as well I suppose. Which makes it even harder, despite what options are provided. I'd have to have Thomas somehow think himself a contributing party member after Kyra sort of broke it to him. So he's doing more harm than good at this point and reasons they are better off without him :) Either way, I do enjoy roleplaying with everyone here. It's a battle of Character vs Roleplayer :X