[@Cherrywitch] "Drunken basketcase? I'll have you know I've been sober for the past..." Clarence glanced at the clock. "Six hours," he followed Violet Reaper out the door and past the police officers, who let the two leave without much of an issue. "Plus, I'm no basketcase. I've been toughened up by my four or five hours in prison," he said, with a hint of sarcasm. It was obvious that this was a hero. Clarence racked his brain, but couldn't quite come up with the name. However, he did recall they were among the upper A ranks... aha! There it was! Indigo... no, Violet Reaper! Took him a second. "So, does HQ normally send such highly ranked heroes to kick people out? I mean, that is what's happening, right?" It seemed obvious. Mrs. Pickles hadn't really done anything helpful. Hmm... been in the elevator at the wrong time... been drunk in public... accidentally electrocuted a chimera... beat up a scientist... blown up a house... What Mrs. Pickles didn't realize is that in the eyes of HQ, he had single handedly defeated a chimera and helped take down a highly dangerous crab monster that was terrorizing an entire city... while drunk. Sure, he had been arrested for letting a chimera loose in an unimportant city, but there was no proof. However, Mrs. Pickles continued to follow Violet Reaper out of the prison. He felt that he should apologize to her, but he wasn't really sure where to begin, so he just patiently awaited his dismissal.