[img]http://images.designntrend.com/data/images/full/63829/grant-gustin.jpg?w=780[/img] "Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame." * Name: Justin Hunter * Nicknames/Aliases: Treefrog, King of Awesome (self proclaimed) * X-Men Code Name: Bonfire * Gender: Male * Age: 19 * Physical Description: Justin stands at 6'0 ft even, and keeps his hair cut short. He has several tattoos along his arms, and one large tattoo of a skeleton king on his back. His eyes are a dark brown, matching his hair, and he has stayed in good shape. Justin has three types of clothes, metal bands, video/tabletop games, or anime related. He owns one suit, and only wears it if he absolutely has too. * Mutations: Inferno Constructs- http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Hell-Fire%20Constructs * Justin has the ability to make basic weapons/armor outta fire. He believes he can learn to do more with his flames, and hopes the school will get him to his full potential. In order to create weapons, he needs a "hilt" of some kind, like a pipe or a chain, as he is unable to make the weapons appear without a focus point, for now. Armor, surprisingly, was easy for him to learn to create, since he used his own body as the focus point. * Personality: Justin is a huge geek. He likes to make cheesy jokes, play video/tabletop games, and runs a podcast that discusses what the "X-Men" have been up too. Justin also carries a notebook around, that he draws in. When he is drawing, the rest of the world seems to disappear. * Background: Justin's parents died when he was younger, so he was raised by his grandfather. He had a good childhood, with his grandfather doing everything he could to support Justin's love of arts and entertainment. The town Justin lived in was highly religious, believing that mutants are nothing but abominations, and they should be "taken care of". So, when Justin learned he had abilities over fire, he and his grandfather were in fear of what the town would do. While trying to make a plan, a strange man named Ashford and a pretty woman named Everose had come to their home, talking about a new school they had. After they had left, and some major debates, Justin was given his grandfather's old motorcycle, packed his bags, and took off for Ashford Manor, hoping he could show his hometown that not all mutants are evil. * Recap of your mutations awakening: Welcome geeks of the round table, this is the King of Awesome himself. So, for all you young mutants out there who are just learning you have abilities, I wanna give you some advice. If you can do anything with fire, try not to do it at church. Especially when the pastor is talking about how "our kind" will go to Hell. And don't laugh! That makes things worse. So, it turns out I can turn fire into different constructs, and it happened while the pastor was talking, which I'm sure you could figure out. So, the good news is no one was hurt and they don't know what caused the fire. The bad news is, the town will need a new church building. Once the chaos had died down, I went back home and met this really odd man. He kinda looked like a doctor I used to have. Oh what was his name? Doctor, who was it? Oh well, so he came to my house with this cute redhead that apparently has the ability to find people like us. They came in and talked about this school they are opening up, like that other one. I was invited to join! But, I don't know if I should. What if the old man needs me? I'm gonna have to do a lot of thinking, and next week I'll tell you guys and gals what I decide. Until then, this is the King of Awesome, and I'll talk to you guys later.