[center][h2][color=fff79a]Hikari[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IhQoVzb.png[/img][/center] The four eyed friend of Hikari had gotten over to a nearby snacking table where she got something to drink for her and Hikari. Mary had decided on a normal cola for herself and a package of tomato juice for toothed friend. In disgust she looked at the package, who would actually like this stuff apart from her weird friend. Hikari was something in itself but imagining other beings drinking this kind of liquid appeared to be weird in her head. Mary got them both a small sack of chips to munch down on with the juice and headed back. Hikari must have felt sorry about now, for ruining the opening ceremony with that terrible behaviour of hers that is. What was this girl thinking when she did that. It must have been burying in Hikari her brain that she messed up in front of so many people. She could after all be a genuinely nice girl, but that wasn't coming to show at the speech... Mary squeezed the tomato juice package empty in one go. Her glasses reflected a sinister white glow from the lights of the wall unable to see her eyes. The chair Hikari was suppose to stay on for detention was empty. Mary had an empty emotionless look on her face, in most cases that was pretty normal but she gave of the creepy vibe, the vibe of wanting to kill someone. [hr] [center][color=fff79a]"Hee hee hee, it is my win today four eyes."[/color][/center] In the meantime Hikari had sneakily escaped from her prison chair. She giggled in a sinister way as she waved through the crowd of people. She had sat there for long enough now, her mess up wasn't all too bad anyway. Most of the people even found it moderately funny or so to say done in a different manner than the usual ceremonial speech, is what she heard from the students at least. Hikari slowed down her pace a little now that she had come a long end away from Mary and took a good look around. It was immediately noticeable that she saw a lot of new faces which weren't seen before by her. It felt like being freshman all over again. There were so many new odd looking people that you wouldn't seen in your everyday life, it was a fun experience. She would die to get to meet some of them right now, cute people that was at least. Perhaps she would even be good enough to make some new friends. With that thought Hikari continued to head for the big doors at the back with a moderate smile on her face. Hikari left the auditorium rather quickly for now to escape from the four eyed demon. That poor girl might look for her all over the place knowing that Hikari would be rather fond of that party and didn't want to miss it. Hikari chuckled amusingly at the thought of it. There were snacks and drinks here too knowing that there wasn't enough space in the auditorium itself, so it didn't really make a difference if she stood inside or outside the auditorium. The music was just a little softer but that made it somewhat easier to talk to others. Hikari looked over the hallway for a moment to see where they had placed that table with drinks and all before heading that general way, till...