Hope everything is good. I know he's a bit of an oddity, but he's loved. By who, how should I know? [hider=Alan Richards] Werecreature CS Name: Alan Richards Nickname: Hardback Age: Appears to be early 30s. How old he will never say. Gender: Male Hidden Power(something not commonly known and Only One): Can cause the self crafted artificial arm to shift with him anytime does. Personality: A very stuborn sort of guy. He plays off being rather dumb but hides the fact of being borderline genius. How/when you do you transform(at will, only on the full moon or negative emotions?) At will though a forced chance happens if threatened to point of feeling fear. Love interest/Crush: Relationship: Human Form: [hider=Best that fit idea in head.] [img]https://i0.wp.com/www.bridgetteraes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Screen-Shot-2013-02-18-at-9.57.31-AM.jpg[/img] [/hider] On the shorter yet stockier side. Only stands about 5'7" tall but with a equal mixture of fat and muscles. Almost always seen wearing overalls and the rather standard mechanic apparel. Animal Form:[hider=Just ref pic] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/77dc/f/2016/006/1/0/ankylosaurus_by_wonderfulgarden-d9mz48b.jpg[/img] [/hider] If is the hybrid appearance, his size doesn't chance to much just a few inches taller. Though width increases along with weight becoming almost twice as heavy due to the back plating. If opts to take on full dino, well then there is a anklyo nearly the size of a short bus to deal with. Other: Left arm was severed some time ago at the shoulder. Since then had crafted own prosthetic limb which is able to be used as any normal arm. And yes it shifts when he does to suit the appearance. History: No one really knows his true age. Just as much as not many have been able to really been able to explain why he is a were-dino. Yet there he stands for many years fending for self in times of need. Victor of many battles of various combatant types due to his natural defensiveness. As the ages came around, Alan had switched between the various smiths of each era. Leading to the modern times of being a mechanic. And a damn good one with the experience has had working on nearly all types of vehicles through the time periods. [/hider]