[b][i]Myst Neumann[/i][/b] "Damn them!" shouted Myst, drawing his mercenaries back. Not only have his potential new slaves gotten away, but he had to pay for the various civilians who lived in the slums, as well as local constables, to stay quiet. This, by the way, was what he was going to do, once things had settled down. Once the man was back in his mansion, everything he had worked for this day ruined, he would review another report; one of his competitors was 'expanding' their operations. One of his competitors in [i]slaving[/i], too. Myst hated his competitors; he took up the slavery business in order to acquire fodder for experiments, carnal relations, and build ties with foriegn countries who can help him in his goals, not just for profit. "Order is my goal...not continued chaos," he would mutter, as he would give the order for spies, enforcers, and assassins to be set around the 'Slave Institute' controlled by his competitor, in order to seek an opportunity to bring them down. In keeping with his 'equal-opportunity' policies, these criminals and mercenaries were composed of not just humans, but demi-humans as well, and armed with fairly good, but not expensive weapons... [@liferusher][@6slyboy6][@Melpaws]