[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TjytTdM.png[/img][/center] Emma had been quietly watching the fight in appalled silence. There was too much wrong with this- weren't they supposed to be a team? How exactly would beating the shit out of each other foster camaraderie in 'Experimental Unit B'? She also hardly relished the prospect of watching her would be friends getting seriously injured at each other's hands. The battle had been far too gruesome for a girl who had truthfully never been in or seen a real fight- and she would have to do it too. A deep frown crossed her face. Any thoughts of messing with Ernie had fled her mind, she wasn't going to risk the now apparent chance of serious injury to get one over on the boy. God, it was tempting, though. For now she had an evaluation to do- a chance to let Daisy and Fred know how fucked up this was? [color=8A3DFF][i]They don't care,[/i][/color] was what the voice in her head told her. She had to be honest with herself, as much as she had wanted to like them, they... well, this was a game to them. They [i]enjoyed[/i] the fucked up child super solider gladiatorial event they created. In the end they weren't so different from Zhang after all, were they? She sighed to herself as she glanced over the sheet she'd been given. What the hell was there to say? How much [i]could[/i] she say without getting in trouble? After the incident with Clark she was starting to doubt that Zhang would be willing to discipline Experimental Unit B. Between Benediction's appearance and the complete lack of repercussions from her journey into USARILN's underbelly Emma was beginning to get the sense that she and her friends were part of Zhang's personal pet project. [color=8A3DFF][i]Fuck it.[/i][/color] [quote] [h1]General Thoughts[/h1] I can't help but wonder what the point of this 'game' was. Is it just that you USARILN guys get off on seeing kids get hurt? Either way I think this was an exercise in pointlessness. Having us beat the shit out of each other isn't going to make us a better team- we [u]are[/u] supposed to be a team, right? You guys better hope that no one has any hard feelings over what happened out there, because some people (Sander) displayed a very high degree of instability and that's the kind of thing that's going to make people trust them less when we're in a real fight. Mistrust like that could us killed, and I think that would piss of Zhang quite a bit. [h1]Suggested Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]Sander needs to learn to control his ability. It's clear that he [i]barely[/i] kept himself from punching Callan's head off. That's something that's going to translate badly into a real fight. Don't get me wrong, though, I don't blame him for what happened out there. That's the institute's fault for forcing him to fight when he's not fully able to control himself. [*]I'm sure Brent has some great analysis on his sheet, go ahead and read his. I don't have any 'spicy deets' when it comes to commenting about my classmates trying to kill each other. [/list] [/quote] Emma strode up to Daisy and handed in her sheet without a word. She couldn't help but feel like there would be repercussions, but she didn't care.