[hider=Reyna][hider=Human Form][img]http://img10.deviantart.net/acfd/i/2013/049/7/a/snow_white_and_ginger_red_by_gestiefeltekatze-d5vgxw1.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Fairy Form][img]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff164/i_want_candy_121/Anime%20Album/YellowButterfly.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Reyna Arai [b]Nickname[/b] None really [b]Age[/b] 102, looks 23 [b]Race[/b] Fairy [b]Personality[/b] Reyna is a very mischevious woman. It comes with the fairy title, but she loves pulling pranks on others and causing trouble. She usually doesn't make it known that it's her, as she does struggle with people not accepting her and liking her. So she's usually pretty careful to be sweet around others. She tells terrible jokes and makes puns any chance she gets. Sometimes she will pretend to not get jokes, just so people don't think she's too smart or too dirty minded. She does enjoy deceiving people in to believing she's an innocent 23 year old. A lot of times she won't even tell them that she's been around for a lot longer than that. She does believe in helping others however and being nice. You can be mysterious and pull little pranks without being too mean to someone. [b]Likes[/b] [indent]✓Sunflowers ✓The forest ✓Icecream[/indent] [b]Dislikes[/b] [indent]✗Strong smells ✗Fire ✗Fish[/indent] [b]Bio/History[/b] There are tons of rumors and folk lore about where fairy's come from. Reyna loves reading about them all and listening to people speculate. She isn't sure if maybe there are different ways, but the way she came to be a fairy was through death. It's a less common tale, but when a person passes and has unfinished business they can stick around as a fairy. They're beleived to then be bringers of death and many of them are. Reyna isn't. While she follows the other tranditions of pulling tricks on people and altering her appearance to fit in with humans, she doesn't partake in luring them off to the forest and keeping them there until they die. She was around people like that for much of her beginning time as a fairy. She hadn't known how to control anything and needed people to guide her. She couldn't remember her past and it was like starting new with all of her general knowledge still. She'd joined in a few times to lure unsuspecting men to the forest, but grew bored fast. Instead she enjoyed seducing older men in tot thinking they could have her and using some of her power to convine them things happened so she could get money. It was the easiest money she had ever made and she always had a place to sleep. That life had gotten a bit boring as well and she'd found herself in Indepence. Of course, there wasn't a whole lot to do there, but then supernatural beings were finally being accepted. Only to be asked to live together in one house. She'd ended up going with, even if she could pass for a normal human. They needed to reform the way people thought of supernatural humans and start accepting them. Plus, it was a good way to meet up with some new people. [b]Other[/b] She does have a fairy form as well, that would be able to sit on a child's shoulder. They are able to mask there appearance to humans, so they look more like them. [/hider]