[h2][center]~|Nar Shaddaa, Docking Bay 32|~[/center][/h2] [h2][center]~|Day 3, 6th Hour|~[/center][/h2] Vebra placed the small black bud deep enough into his ear that he could feel it change the pressure in his jaw. He hated these things, small comms receivers that he only ever had to use on more discrete missions like this. To most people his ear would only look strange if they stared at his ear for a good time. The receiver was designed to be discrete and likely, as uncomfortable as possible. Vebra flexed his jaw when the hissing airlock burned his ear. Vebra punched the undercover trooper to the left of him in the shoulder. "Don't hot mic, Krel." Without turning around Krel half jumped and quickly reached into the pocket of her trousers and the hissing coming straight into his ear canal stopped. He heard a slightly nervous "yessir" out of the Alderaanean women. Vebra decided not to press the issue and looked around seeing a trooper to either of his flanks and the outlines of the people behind him. In front of him was the grimy metal landing platform, which had several puddles and dried out debris on it. Stepping down the ramp of the rather innocuous shuttle Vebra was sort of sad to not be able to spot any Republic symbols on it. They had bought an old shuttle off a Duros looking to upgrade. Luckily, the interior had been completely gutted to accommodate more than cargo. Its most important retrofitting being an air seal, not being able to breath was such a drag afterall. Stepping onto the platform Vebra put up a smile as he finally hit the ground. Being on a platform that wasn't moving constantly was one of the simple things he took joy in. He kept the smile as he adjusted his beskad which was held to his hip by a belt with a sheath on it. He could feel his blaster in its holster on the the opposite side of his body. He couldn't justify bringing his rifle with him, it would just make him look too professional. Given what there mission was, he would prefer if the Sith thought she could easily dispatch him. As Fa finished up her speech Vebra checked his bracers one last time which was under his simple brown shirts sleeves. Vebra looked to the jedi, who was also plainly dressed, then back to his troopers. They had all seen combat before, no one there was a youngling, he'd personally made sure of that. But not all of them had actually seen a Sith before, ironically. Several of them had only trained with Jedi, which while better than training against holograms was nowhere close to a real live Sith. Since both Fa and he had come up with the plan for how to handle this he was fine with letting her tell them what it was. But he got to assign people. "Alright, Sweeper and Raj, you'll set up on the back door with Krell, she'll be ready with the stun grenades so if the Bantha gets past her you know what to do. Eli, you'll be on the front door ,you're favorite." Vebra let a grin come across his face again."Krem and Blitz, you'll be off the door by a few meters, make sure Eli doesn't get his hide blown off. You all know the rest, keep the communicators quite unless you hear something from Eyes or me. Let's go grab us a drink!" Vebra and Fa both knew the way from the drop off point to the bar but he figured he should take the lead on the way there. The team split into their groups of three and made sure to keep a few meters between them, lest, force forbid, they looked like an actual military unit. The entrance to the bar was nothing special, it was the type of place he'd seen plenty of during his rotations off the front. The sign read "Veenra", he wasn't entirely sure if that was a name or simply a word he couldn't make any sense of. Regardless, he wasn't here for pleasure unfortunately, well, maybe a little. Vebra finally flipped his brain into hyper awareness. He tended to keep his mind away from noticing every detail around since it unnerved people outside of his line of work, the knowing what people were likely going to do and say by watching their body language took a bit of fun out of social interactions as well. There was only one person even remotely close to the entrance and it was likely a homeless (and drunk) Trandosian. Looking over his shoulder back at Eyes and Fa Vebra just said "Well, this should be fun."