Living on Earth was an interesting experience for Marry. Humans, unlike Gems, grew rapidly and changed rapidly. It was staggering seeing how fast humans progressed technologically, and while Gems were still more technologically advanced than humans, it wouldn't be too long until humans managed to catch up and surpass them. Though that came with notable downsides, being a very volatile species that had very small and fragile lifespans. It was interesting though, how the humans didn't seem to mind Marry(A nickname a Moldsvite gave herself, as the latter name was a lot trickier for humans to say.) and her friends. Marry visiting more than the other gems as she constantly needed supplies to itch her science desire. Speaking of science experiments, That was was Marry spent most of her free time doing. Inside her room at the gem temple located outside of Crystalisis, Marry was testing a few experiments on a few human machines she snagged when she last visited the city. [color=8dc73f]"I wonder how this human disposal device would react when pumped full of ionized energy?"[/color] Marry mumbled to herself, looking over a new kind of toilet the humans had made that talked and did all sorts of fancy things that seemed to be far beyond the scope of what its base design was made for. Apparently humans from the other wise of the planet had designed this thing. Before she could attach a few jumper cables to the exposed electronics of the device, an alert went off in her lab. Teleporting over to the monitors, Marry saw a report about a tripwire being triggered in the kindergarten again, probably a human. On another screen connected to her rudimentary human surveillance equipment she saw what looked like two gem sentry drones making their way towards the temple. [color=8dc73f]"Weird, those look a bit too advanced to be from the Kindergarten. And not chimeric enough to be human made..."[/color] Making her way out to the main temple antichamber, she waited to see if any of the other gems would go and take a look at the issue. She was pretty sure she wired up the other gem's rooms as well, but some of the others tended to get... rowdy.