A small rumbling occurred in a hole above Seraphinite's. The rock cover of the hole started cracking and crumbled away. A yellow gem peered out over the scene below her. There was two gems, no, three now, one seemingly having emerged from the rock just like Cymophane. Cymophane didn't really care about the weird thing. Anyways, two of the three gems were having a conversation of sorts, which Cymophane was able to make out. Something about whoever was in charge. [i][color=fff200]Oh, right.[/color][/i] Someone was in charge. She didn't know who, but she figured it would be better to find out. Cymophane took a little more time to study the Gems below. One was a gray Gem, wearing some sort of mechanical contraption. Interesting, she would inquire about this later. But the other one....Cymophane didn't like her. She looked....rather conceited. Still, she'd have to actually find out. Cymophane then proceeded to [i]walk down the wall[/i], casually putting one foot in front of the other as she descended toward the ground. As she reached the floor of the Kindergarten, she spoke to Howlite. [color=fff200]"The Clinohumite has a point. It would be useful to know where we're supposed to go."[/color]