"I heard talk that one of the ladies has decided to bunk up in a storage room downstairs, seems a bit more unhinged than most, and that's the ones to be wary of." If Grayson's mind had eyes, they'd be rolling now. [i]'Nice. The guy who hears voices accusin' someone of bein' crazy. I think that's what the kids call irony'[/i] He pressed on "It's next to the gym anyway, I'd rather avoid it. Based on the quick glance I gave it when the Alliance prick was givin' the tour, it's not much to see. Dusty, busted equipment for the most part. I'd assume the med bay is under the control of the big one. Earther, Russian, called himself Belov. Said he was a medic, it's across from the Armory anyway. Speaking of, apparently I've been declared quartermaster. My knowledge of Alliance protocol is patchy at best, but supposedly it means it's biometrically locked down, only I can unlock the place. I've had my own collection brought aboard, so I've gotta unpack em and sort em out at some point. Figured I'd get on that after a snack, given the length of the trip in front of us." He tossed the bar's wrapper into a trash vent and brushed off his hands "I could show ya around up there I suppose."