[@Letmehaveone2] Hopefully this is decent [hider= Felicia] Name: Felicia Nickname: Doesn’t have one yet Real age: 17 Human age: 14 Gender: Female Normal or Demonic: Demonic Your abilities: Disguise her appearance so she looks like a normal human. Sunlight only disables her abilities. Can transfer an idea of emotion to someone of which she is in touch with Demon's abilities(if known yet): Unknown Your personality: Innocent and timid till things get violent. Once things are violent she could be considered a psychopath as she is aggressive and unstable. Demon's tendencies(what it likes to do, e.g. Bite, turn, rampage, etc): Unknown currently Normal Appearance: [hider=Felicia Normal][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/07/d5/a7/07d5a7931d999ceec8ea40532d2b4b66.jpg[/img][/hider] Demon's Appearance(if applicable): Unknown currently Love interest: Niki Relationship: Single (Is Same sex attracted) Blood preference(Human, Animal or Both): Prefers Animal blood Other: History: Felicia was born into a normal family and went to a normal school. Life was… Average for Felicia till the faithful day when she was at school. She was studying something when alarms started to go off. A warning… of the on slaughter that was soon to happen due to one thing… A vampire. Felicia was panicking and hid under a table, while everyone else tried to escape to the safe area. Everything went dark for a few moments as the sound of the door closed… She was whimpering. That was her mistake. The table she was under was flipped and before her stood a large vampire which pushed her up against a wall. Everything went dark and next thing she knew she was lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. Her clothes stained with blood and a corpse before her. The next few hours of her life is slightly blurry. All she remembers was a forest and a cabin… A girl in the cabin who seemed worried. [Will update as RP goes on] As soon as Felicia learns about her demonic side [/hider]