[center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/3a38/f/2017/040/0/3/output_lazsge_by_emuxe-dayev7b.gif[/img][/center] [center][@FallenTrinity][@Melkor][@Oblivion666][@NubianLegend][@Animal][@chukklehed][/center] DreadLock's limp body was carted into the ambulance and strapped down on the stretcher; the paramedic staff immediately bustled around each other to put the comatose hero on oxygen and attached to a defibrillator. Over the sound of the many simultaneous conversations of the paramedics, a voice crackled out of DreadLock's damaged communicator - the Hero Association's Director. "[b]Blueford, are you there? Report! [i]Blueford?![/i][/b]" The paramedics fell silent, all eyes falling on DreadLock's wrist. Carefully, one removed the communicator from the woman's body before stepping out the back of the ambulance. She tossed the communicator toward Guardian and the small band of heroes around him. "[color=B0E0E6]You'd best tell [i]him[/i] what happened,[/color]" she suggested, sounding as if it were the worst job in the world - which it probably [i]would[/i] be, because who knew how the Director would act? The paramedic turned toward the newcomer and injured man, immediately going to the man's side. "[color=B0E0E6]Come on, let's see,[/color]" she comforted as she helped the man lower to sit on the gravel, keeping his leg outstretched. For a few moments, she inspected the man's injury, before offering him a reassuring smile. "[color=B0E0E6]It's just a fracture, it'll fix itself; but just to help it along, I'll go to the ambulance to get you a sti-[/color]" "[i]We're losing her! We have to go [b]now![/b][/i]" another paramedic yelled from the ambulance, and before anyone had a chance to even react, the ambulance doors were slammed shut and the emergency vehicle was speeding off to the closest [i]undamaged[/i] hospital. "[color=B0E0E6]... nt. Aw [i]nuts[/i],[/color]" the remaining paramedic pouted, dropping her fists onto her hips: [i]Now[/i] how was she going to get the injured to safety? The paramedic remembered the radio attached to her belt, and immediately pulled it out and started ordering into the microphone: "[color=B0E0E6]I need ambulances dispatched to City T, in the... what used to be the...[/color]" She paused. "[color=B0E0E6][i]Oh,[/i] it's the giant bloody crater - it's [i]pretty [/i]hard to miss it![/color]"