[@Lady of Lore][@Themerlinhawk][@RumikoOhara][@TheUnknowable] Just a reminder there is an OOC. I'm still here guys where's everyone else at? Also I like the financial struggles of firefly but don't want to be bogged down by coin counting so I am thing using a system roughly like modern D20 As a crew you will have two financial ratings. Plat's & Cred's. 1= broke poor, to 5= wealthy extravagant. You will be paid for jobs on this scale too. If you have an average rating of three and you are buying simple to average supplies and doing just the necessary repairs and maintenance your score will not drop for a few weeks. An average job will supplement your funds and allow you to keep going. Without a job they will drop, I'll warn you in advance before doing so. Even with a score of three you can still splash out and by something with a value of 5 but this [b]will[/b] drop your score. Alternatively you can live below your means and your funds will last much longer. (But will your spirits?) Thoughts and ideas?