[hider=Dat Boi Oboi] [center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/5d9c/f/2011/308/9/9/jiang_shi_by_ionasku-d4f2jth.jpg[/img] [/center] [b][h2][center][color=0054a6]The Dreaded Devil Emperor[/color][/center] [/h2] [/b][b][color=0054a6]Nickname:[/color][/b] Any cool sounding title that inflates his ego. He gets quite cross when people don't say [i]Emperor[/i] Oboi. [b][color=0054a6]Age:[/color][/b] 300 years, give or take. After awhile he starts to lose track. [b][color=0054a6]Race:[/color] [/b]Jiang Shi/Chinese Hopping Vampire [b][color=0054a6]Personality:[/color][/b] Oboi spent his life as a manipulative trickster, a terror to his vassals and all who dared oppose him. Anyone who was foolish enough to defy him had their head lopped right off on the spot. Nowadays, he’s just an obnoxious bully of sorts. He seems to enjoy scaring humans, but often he’s so hammy about it he only annoys others instead of spooking them. Oboi takes considerable glee in terrifying humans and just causing mischief in general, and will never pass up an opportunity to freak someone out. He doesn’t quite seem to understand the limits of the human form, so his ideas of mischief can range from “Dangling a spider in your face” to chopping off your leg and waiting for it to grow back. It doesn’t help that he knows very little about the modern world. He’s confused by technology and has trouble grasping modern cultural norms. Being born royalty, his immature sense of humor is often masked by his formal way of speaking and acting. Oboi also has a rather old fashioned view of women and their place, something that occasionally angers others. Still, he’s far more mellow than he used to be, due to the parchment covered in runes that drape his body. [color=0054a6][b]Likes [/b][/color] ✓ Reading ✓ Terrifying the innocent public ✓ Crossword puzzles and brain teasers [b][color=0054a6]Dislikes [/color][/b] ✗Whining ✗ Bright lights ✗ People that don’t know their place [b][color=0054a6]Bio/History: [/color][/b] Oboi was born during the Qing Dynasty in China, in the year 1717. Born to none other than the Emperor himself and one of his concubines, he never knew (or cared, for that matter) about the poverty and inequality suffered from the peasantry and lower classes working under the Emperor. That disregard for peasantry continued into adulthood. By the time Oboi was a young man, he had accumulated a prestigious education in Beijing, and had inherited his father’s throne upon his death, as well as his palace and all his servants. Where Obi's father had been satisfied by maintaining a steady stream of wealth from manufacturing goods and keeping the taxes moderate, Oboi never knew satisfaction, and he always wanted more- more money, more power, more influence. So, his first order as Emperor was to raise the taxes 15%, something that enraged the peasantry. The peasants rebelled, and started a riot in Beijing almost immediately after his decree. Oboi apparently didn’t like that, because every last peasant involved in the rebellion was slaughtered, courtesy of his private army. He became even more drunk with power after the peasant uprising, indulging in the construction of beautiful palaces, luxurious living quarters for himself, and the finest food money could buy. Not only was he incredibly self-indulgent, but the Emperor’s son was cruel and ruthless, tossing around death sentences for those who spoke against them like confetti at a party. As China cowered in fear before his tyranny, it also seethed in anger at the injustice he caused. Led by a charismatic warrior clad in red, a plot to overthrow the Emperor formed. One dark and stormy evening, the Emperor was dragged from his palace into the streets, where he was stabbed to death. Legend has it, that as he was screaming in agony, the Emperor was laughing. There are still murmurings upon the streets of Beijing that the Emperor lives on to this day, his soul imprisoned in his rotting corpse as punishment for all the misery he’s caused. [b][color=0054a6]Other:[/color][/b] In his most powerful form, Oboi can be a terror to the living. The older a Jiang Shi is, the more powerful. In his current stage, he is capable of superhuman strength and speed, heightened senses, and his ghostly presence may even cause the room to suddenly grow deathly cold. Unfortunately, most humans never get to witness the horrifying final form of Oboi- some asshole scribbled runes all over him like a little kid draws on the wall. Because of those runes, his powers are mostly immobilized. [/hider] Finally done! I see there are kind of a lot of people here, so if you rather not have me, that's fine.