Myth was awkwardly left with his new teammates, both of which he was probably inferior to. Myth sighed at himself. He still didn't know how he ended up here in Division A, or who most of these people were. As he was about to speak to his team, a small squeak of a greeting, he was grabbed from behind and quickly dragged out of the training grounds. Myth drew in a huge, panicked breath, his arms flailing to find his mouth, which they eventually did. Just as Myth was about to use his Safe Place jutsu, he stopped himself. This ninja who grabbed him could have killed him- or at the very least hurt him- by now if said ninja really wanted to. He turned his head to get a look at who had picked him up by the collar of his shirt. The man was a ninja, that much was obvious. The man was tall, and had short navy-blue hair. Myth thought that he had looked familiar... Perhaps a teacher at the academy? Yes, Myth knew him! Yureki Shimazu. He was a history and geography teacher. And his arm... It was wrapped in chains, with black cloth underneath those chains. What could he be hiding underneath such strong bindings? Aside from looks, Yureki had a ghostly vibe coming off of him, as if he didn't exist. Something suddenly hit Myth: He hadn't sensed this intruders presence. Even now that Myth knew that the man was there, it was difficult to sense his chakra. Myth was half tempted to touch the man to see if he was really there. Yureki set Myth down in front of a building after carrying him a fair distance. The building, a shop to be exact, was no longer in business. It was heavily boarded up, and there was graffiti all over the building. Such a pitiful sight made Myth frown. This poor shop. Yureki started speaking, and Myth listened. "I have a mission for you," he said, "a simple one. Can you get inside there?" Myth mentally smirked. This was one of the rare occurrences that Yureki formed a sentence without fumbling over words. "I'm sure I can," was Myth's response. Yureki kicked a rock at the building. The rock hit the building, then bounced off of the wall at a high speed. The rock lodged itself in a concrete wall behind him. The building had a barrier around it, that much was obvious. It was generated from chakra, but for the second time today, Myth couldn't sense the barrier. He strained and strained, but still, nothing. It threw Myth off. Yureki started speaking again, this time stuttering more. "F-From what we got from Kishira-san, t-this kekkai will only let s-specific individual through. She named you and your sister, s-sp-specifically," Yureki instructed. Wait, his sister? Myth hadn't heard about her in years. It was rather refreshing to hear about her again. Even if she wasn't the best of sisters, she was still family. And Kishira-san... Who was this? This one he had never heard of before. And this barrier... Myth was able to pass through it a certain way? This day was getting weirder and weirder... Alright, Myth thought, let's get this started. How could Myth get past this barrier? He decided to get a better look at the building, look at the whole thing. He took a step back and used his Body Flicker Technique to get a good ten paces away, the whole building coming in to view- wait wait wait! What was that?! Myth used his Body Flicker Technique a few more times, moving from left to right. There was a... warmth exuding from the building. The chakra! Myth could sense the barrier while using Body Flicker! But no, there was more to it than that. It felt like... His bed at home? That's what Myth could relate it to. A safe, alluring feeling... And he felt like his Safe Place technique would be the perfect way to get to whatever was inside of that building. But how could it be? He had never seen this building until now, and there was no way that he could have placed the seal necessary to perform the technique inside of the building. Yet, it still felt as if he could do it... And what of the barrier and its creator? Was he or she waiting inside for him? This could be an obvious trap. But Yureki was here, and he taught at the academy. There was no way he could have brought a former student in to a trap. Myth's head was swirling with all of the possible outcomes of what could happen if he used his Safe Place technique to pass the barrier, and what could happen if he didn't. Myth ended up nodding. "Alright, here I go," he said aloud to himself. He used his Body Flicker technique to put himself a few steps away from the heavily boarded front door to the abandon shop. He placed his hands over his mouth and closed his eyes promptly. Usually, Myth would allow his chakra to carry him to his bed automatically, but this time he had to focus. Focus on the warmth of the building, let it pull him in and protect him from the outside world, until... "Take me to my Safe Place..." Myth disappeared, passing through the barrier and the building itself. He had passed the mission, it would seem. As soon as he felt his technique had been finished, he flew his eyes open in a panic, the anxiety from the possibility of a trap getting to him. However, sleep had already taken over. If anything happened to be in front of Myth, he would only catch a glimpse of it before collapsing on his back, knocked out from a lack of energy.