[b][center][u]The Rise of the Second Kingdom of Osteria[/u][/center][/b] [center][b]Discord Chat[/b]: https://discordapp.com/channels/209425241317834753/280083048492564480[/center] [i]The year is 1191 A.C. King Timault, The Protector of the Northlands, Imperial Majesty of the Golden Crown of Osteria, has died. Leading his troops against a foray of orcs of the Blackmouth Clan, Timault was felled in battle. At age thirty-one, he was without an heir. The Council of Black and Gold has been summoned, comprised of the most noble lords and ladies of Osteria, to participate in a very rare occasion: The Ceremony of the Choosing. Established for such tenuous times, the Ceremony is used to formally establish a new ruler, one who might be strong of heart and character, when the current lineage is without direction. The Kingdom of Osteria has never once required the use of the ceremony, but the ancient scrolls of the Order of Silk and Iron indicate that with it will come the fall of the Kingdom, and in it's place the rise of a Second Kingdom; same in all but name, as a reminder of the reason of the establishment of the order. Lords and ladies of the land have been summoned to Tythmas, the capital city, to vote on and ultimately choose who will be king--or queen--of the Second Kingdom of Osteria.[/i] [center][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121129062832/heroes-of-galderon/images/f/f8/Human_Kingdom.jpg[/img] [i]High Walls of Tythmas, the Unbreachable City, 1191 A.C.[/i][/center] The Kingdom of Osteria is a breadbasket of resources and commerce. With a population of 4,800,000, the vast majority of it's population are humans, with a smattering of immigrated dwarves and elves from the neighboring highlands. With a diverse biome and a lengthy border to defend, the new monarch of Osteria will first have to garner enough support from the local fiefs, assign a council, and finally, rule. Each season of the game will start with a Council Session, a gathering of the Lords and Ladies where they discuss policy and debate issues facing the kingdom. It is here that Lords can propose wars, trades, laws, etc. Players can expect events of some kind to be central to the Council, players may also wish to bring forth their own events pertaining to their realm to fit in with their IC stories. Following the Council session, which closes after a week, players submit orders to me through PM. [b]Orders[/b] Typically player get two types of orders, Military and Diplomacy. Military orders are tasks given to your army per season. Be aware that your army needs to rest and reform ranks after prolonged use. Morale will decline after a battle, and you risk losing your entire army should a demoralized army is put to the field. Your army is your main tool for projecting your power throughout The Continent. Use them to raid and pillage, or conquer or destroy a rival. Diplomacy is your main source of income, and is a broad term for administering your realm to make gold. This can include anything from trade with another player, organizing a grand hunt or a tourney, to throwing a wedding for your daughter. This order can be nearly anything you can imagine and earn you gold. Politicians also have a special stealth order they may issue each turn. This order has a fifty/fifty chance of success and failure runs the risk of exposure throughout the realm, so use this order wisely. Assassinations, ransoms, sneak attacks, any order that requires secrecy can be done here. Please format your orders in the following way, Character Name Orders for turn 1, Military - order 5000 troops under the command of Aurelius Ludurius to attack the Saracca Tribes. Diplomacy - Throw a great feast in the Province of Maathas to to last ten days to celebrate the great harvests. Players given a seat on the King's Council also get a special order per turn, but more on that later. There are 3 resources. [b]Grain[/b] is required to feed the citizens. [b]Gold[/b] is a form of currency to build roads, fortresses and pay armies. [b]Iron[/b] is used to equip armies. [b]Provinces of Osteria[/b] 1. [b]Highlands[/b] ([i]King Alaric Gyre[/i]): The most populous and central of the provinces, the Highlands is home to the capital of the realm, Tythmas. It has no fief, instead belonging directly to the Head of the House of Osteria, formerly held by King Timault. [b]STATS[/b]: 2,000,000 Citizens | 14,000 Men-at-Arms, 10,000 Cavalry, 4,000 Knights | Produces 4 Grain/20 Gold/2 Iron | Paved Roads | 1 Fortress | Requires 20 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 2. [b]Southern Reaches[/b] ([i]Lord Jeran Gades Stolt[/i]): On the border of the Orclands of the vast desert, the Southern Reaches is geographically a destitute backwater that remains immensely important to the security of the lands. While it is lacking in resources, the Southern Reaches keeps Osteria protected from the Orcs, who threaten to come pouring in at any time. [b]STATS[/b]: 400,000 Citizens | 21,000 Men-at-Arms, 2,000 Cavalry, 8,000 Knights | Produces 0 Grain/2 Gold/1 Iron | No Roads | 1 Fortress | Requires 4 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 3. [b]The Summit[/b]: ([i]Duke James Conrad[/i]): A prosperous mountain enclave that is easily defended, the region entitled the Summit is a similarly far away region in the far North. The mines there are an immense source of wealth for the Kingdom, but it requires constant foodstuffs from the highlands, lest it starve out. Similarly, the Hold of Mathak is a viable trading outpost with the Dwarves of Tharag. [b]STATS[/b]: 700,000 Citizens | 1,000 Men-at-Arms, 0 Cavalry, 500 Knights | Produces 0 Grain/10 Gold/12 Iron | No Roads | 0 Fortress | Requires 7 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 4. [b]The Duchy of Enea[/b]: ([i]Duchess Anfel Allard[/i]): A heavily wooden province in Eastern Osteria, they have long mingled with the Elves of the Cilhedon Principality. The logging industry there is among the greatest in the world and it's suitable farming is respected. It is the second largest province in the Kingdom. [b]STATS[/b]: 1,200,000 Citizens | 11,000 Men-at-Arms, 2,000 Cavalry, 1,000 Knights | Produces 11 Grain/12 Gold/2 Iron | Basic Roads | 0 Fortress | Requires 12 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 5. [b]The Duchy of Marethia[/b]: ([i]Lord Aldwyn Gerantius[/i]): The breadbasket of the entire kingdom, Marethia is the spiritual heart of the nation and the people there are some of it's sturdiest. The long reaching farms feed the people and during drought, is often where refugees and even royalty flock. It's centrally located province makes it ideal for governance. [b]STATS[/b]: 500,000 Citizens | 4,000 Men-at-Arms, 8,000 Cavalry, 1,000 Knights | Produces 16 Grain/5 Gold/0 Iron | No Roads | 1 Fortress | Requires 5 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 6. [b]Duchy of Lordea[/b]: ([i]Duke John Demotoriaus[/i]): On the edge of the kingdom, Lordea is a recently annexed territory--having joined the kingdom 56 years ago. It's people, resilient, have conformed to life under their new rulers, though with a hesitancy that King Timault kept with a measured glance. It is a fairly resourceful land, capable of independence if necessary. [b]STATS[/b]: 1,200,000 Citizens | 7,000 Men-at-Arms, 6,000 Cavalry, 1,000 Knights | Produces 19 Grain/9 Gold/6 Iron | Basic Roads | 1 Fortress | Requires 14 Grain/Season. | 4 Unrest (-4 Gold/Season). 7. [b]Duchy of Jauneau[/b]: ([i]Duchess Saren Keto[/i]): A thin strip of land between the Southern Reaches and the central plateaus, Jauneau is thick with babbling brooks, meadows and peace and quiet. The people there are some of the most humble. Jauneau has a long tenured history of nobility within Osteria, and it is in Jauneau's feathered plains that the Osterian Military Academy stands, training men of the Black Army every season. [b]STATS[/b]: 200,000 Citizens | 2,000 Men-at-Arms, 1,000 Cavalry, 1,000 Knights | Produces 4 Grain/3 Gold/2 Iron | Basic Roads | 1 Grand Fortress | Requires 3 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 8. [b]Barony of Lussex[/b] ([i]Baron Conrad Sforza [/i]): While technically a barony under the Duchy of the Summit, the Barony of Lussex has long held tenure as a position of old power and authority. The Barony maintains autonomy within the inner workings of the Lussex River that crosses the Floodplains and the grasslands into the heart of Osteria. The people there are hard edged, and they have long warred with the abysmal creatures that call the Floodplains home; Mudlurkers and Foggsen (weretoads). The Barony's infrastructure is lacking, but the Lussex Flagbearers are a special breed of warrior that have a thousand year history of protecting Osterians from the dangers of the Floodplains. [b]STATS[/b]: 70,000 Citizens | 3,000 Men-at-Arms, 1,000 Cavalry, 400 Knights, 4,000 Lussex Flagbearers (Special: Swordsmen) | Produces 2 Grain/1 Gold/5 Iron | No Roads | No Fortress | Requires 0 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest 9. [b]Barony of Kadua[/b] ([i]Unclaimed[/i]): In long standing servitude of the Duke of Marethia, the Barony of Kadua is the most fertile bastion in the entire kingdom. "Fed by Kaduan grain" is a quote heard across the land, as any loaf of bread has a one in five chance of being scythed from a Kaduan field. The Barony of Kadua is a regal title, responsible for maintenance of a plot of land that delicately props Osterians up. [b]STATS[/b]: 50,000 Citizens | 500 Men-at-Arms, 200 Cavalry, 0 Knights | Produces 12 Grain/0 Gold/0 Iron | Basic Roads | 0 Grand Fortress | Requires 0 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest [b]TOTAL PRODUCTION[/b]: 68 Grain | 53 Gold | 30 Iron 1. [b]POPULATION GROWTH[/b] +10 Grain delivered to a Province. Population grows by 10,000. [MORE FIEFS WILL BE ADDED BASED ON PLAYER INTEREST] -------------- [hider=OSTERIAN TREASURY] [b]GRAIN[/b]: 3 [b]GOLD[/b]: X[/hider] [b]Map of Osteria[/b] [PENDING] [b]Character Sheet[/b] [code] [b]Name of Lord/Lady[/b] (Lord or Duke/Duchess) [b]Physical Description[/b]: [b]Claimed Fief[/b]: [b]Basic History[/b]: [b]Background[/b]: Champion (Bonus to Combat Rolls), Administrator (Bonus to Govern Rolls) or Diplomat (Bonus to Diplomacy Rolls)[/code] [hr] [b]The Kingdom of Osteria[/b] -- [b]Order of Silk and Iron[/b]: A prestigious military order of knights, it answers directly to the King. Numbering exactly 800, they are considered "Protectors of Osterian Knowledge and Sanctity." They are rumored to be the greatest warriors in the land, clad in full platemail, but without markings. The Knights of Silk and Iron are called so because even when not in military attire, they carry their weapons with them. * Current assignment: [b]Protect the Osterian Grand Archives[/b] (788 Knights) * Current assignment: [b]Guarding the Ceremony of the Choosing[/b] (12 Knights) [center][img]http://schools-wikipedia.org/images/1298/129810.png[/img] [b]Order of the Wasp[/b][/center] A scholastic order of warriors that are not from nobility, they number a mere 280 and hold conclave in the [i]Wasp's Nest[/i] within The Summit, answering to the Spymaster of Osteria. They are assassins, known for being able to make any killing look accidental, and incapable of revealing their comrades, as the first prerequisite for joining is to have one's tongue ceremoniously removed. * Current assignment: [b]Protect the Wasp's Nest[/b] (280 Assassins) [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d8/Coat_of_arms_of_Bulgaria_(1995_proposal).svg/561px-Coat_of_arms_of_Bulgaria_(1995_proposal).svg.png[/img] [b]Order of Celeres[/b][/center] Numbering 7,000, the mounted knights of Celeres were once a righteous squadron of cavalry that brought ruin to Osteria's ancient enemies. In modern times it is full of pomp and regalia, but short of brave men. They have fallen into disarray, but the "Master of the Order of Celeres" remains a highly sought title within the realm. Their presence calms dissenters, as the Celeres knights have long been known to clamp down on those who oppose the throne.