[hider=Cadet T'eklil Rarr] Name: T'eklil Rarr formerly known as formally known as drone Ten of Eleven, goes by Tek Age: 23 Species: Liberated(borg) Klingon/Human Academy Major: Science specialization in Borg technology, and Transwarp Theory, with a minor in Engineering. Appearance: [hider=image 1][img] https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/sto.gamepedia.com/thumb/a/a5/Liberated_Borg_Klingon_Male.jpg/200px-Liberated_Borg_Klingon_Male.jpg?version=ad2769a7b4f6e7fa7e419fbeda2ecb0f[/img][/hider] or [hider=image 2][img]http://www.gatesofstovokor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Wamah-wej-Headshot-225x300.jpg [/img][/hider] Bio: Teklil's life hasn't been a perfect one. He was born a half-breed, his father was a human and mother a Klingon. He was given his name after his grandfather's name. When he was five years of age his home world was attacked by a Borg invasion. His life among the Borg isn't documented only that he was given the designation Ten of Eleven. For twenty years he was in the Borg collective before he was 'liberated'. The liberation happened when the Borg sphere he was on battled the dominion and a starfleet vessel. The starship of the federation was all that was left standing. The sphere was hit hard the drones inside were separated from the collective by the mass damage that was done. Tek was taken from the sphere and was slowly converted back to a 'normal' form. It took a year and a half until he was fully Liberated and was brought into starfleet. For another year and until his twenty-third birthday he was in starfleet studying engineering, not having to learn much. It was more a formality to send him to the Academy. He has tendencies of highly aggressive actions in times of anger but most of the time he is laid back and pretends to look at things 'logically'. He graduated fast into becoming a cadet, having a high understanding of engineering. Often enough while in the Academy he was treated with mistrust for a variety of reasons. From being part Klingon and still having borg like tech still attached to his head. Many people tend to forget he is half human. His knowledge of Borg technology and engineering is what speed up his graduation process alone. The only federation officers see what benefits Tek can bring to any ship but the younger generations see him as a Borg with Klingon features. - T'eklil Crew Relations Captain Lorelei: Out of the crew, T'eklil got to know Lorelei a bit more than the rest of the crew. Spending a long time working alongside Lorelei as they worked on the engineering systems of the USS Challenger. It's obvious that Lorelei knows more about the Challenger than T'eklil, but he really didn't care if she knew more about the ship. She didn't treat him any differently then anyone else, in turn T'ek trusts Lorelei more than most other Starfleet officers and cadets. - Arthur Locklin: Not much of between Arthur and T'eklil. Other than his respects Arthur as head of security, other than that T'eklil hasn't gone out of his way to get to know the man. - Reva Tylyr: For T'eklil he sees Reva as he sees mostly everyone else she was intimidated by him. This was something T'eklill often goes through being intimidated by most people. Reva was no different then anyone else to T'eklil. He accepted this fact that even people on Challenger would see him as a big intimidating freak. Whether or not Reva was intimidated by the fact he has a Klingon Halfling or had Borg like equalities, T'ek never knew. It wasn't something he would ask. - Ayna Nyx At first T'eklil thought Ayna was like everyone else. She was at first intimidated by him but what suprised T'eklil she started to come around and see he is just a normal individual. She was quite like Lorelei, Ayna was someone T'ek could talk to without worrying about what she thought of him.[/hider]