I think you missed the general point of my post xD Not arguing the disagreement on what constitutes Telekinetics (different source materials, that I'm sure we all derive from, in my experience it is utterly common for telekinetic users to create full on "force barriers/weapons") all of the other things you've listed are once again, just limitations being imposed upon the user. Which in my post I pointed out, the primary problem of Telekinesis is the general ability to work around said loopholes. Limiting the range to 2-10 meters, while effective in preventing the character from decimating absolutely anything, doesn't exactly limit them in actual ability, merely range. Which is relatively inconsequential for telekinetics, though it does potentially place the PC in the line of fire. In terms of Gross Control -short bursts- it seems to work at first glance, until you realize that you can either give the PC a berserker button, or still allow them to control said Telekinesis at will. Utilizing short gross control, (Lacking in finesse, but more... forceful if you will- unless the only thing the PC will be allowed to do is pour tea or something,) still provides ample potential for broken bones, ripping houses down around people's heads, suffocation, etc etc, None of which require particular levels of strength or finesse. For each, a sufficient understanding of the mechanics at play allow quite creative results. Breaking a new knee becomes easier, or harder, depending on the angle, and side you assault it from, for example. To take it to one such extreme, imagine sweeping a room with a razor wire, even lacking in control. Telepathy on the other hand, I find less inclined towards loopholes, as it is much easier to define the limits of Telepathy, not to say it isn't incredibly easy to abuse.