The thing that tends to nag at the back of my brain despite being a filthy commie or Anarcho-Com depending on the time of day is what happens to the distribution side of things, my father being a small-business (hardware store; over a hundred year old establishment now) and how that might effect such places as those. Presumably if the target is only manufacturing then not much would actually change for the retail distribution network, at least at a scale as small as my dad's. No one's really working on owning the means of production at Home Depot, they're just working to get the end-product of another factory organized on the shelves so they can be distributed out the populace on the presently used as-needed basis under the rules of capitalism. But at the ultimate end, I suppose employees of Walmart, Staples, or Home Depot or what not would end up taking ownership of the stores they work in and taking full ownership of the warehouse/storefront and being able to dictate what product comes in, how much of it, and all the other details of working retail or just consumer-level distribution. The situation for my dad may not actually change much, since he's either the only person working at the store, or the people that work with him are practically on the same level of operational hierarchy and the only notable difference between he and them is an official legal recognition that he pays all the bills and taxes.