[center][b]Batillus[/b] The Continent of Fire holds the resemblance of a large volcanic bowl. Those who were born on the Continent have a natural immunity to the high temperature of the area. The main race, the Lycanthropes, are the Masters of the Element Fire and attend a specialized school within each district to learn their magic. The school often lasts as long as it takes for the Lycanthropes to completely Master their magic. The main school is located in the City of Fire, the Capital of the Continent. [img]http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/CelesteAngelofChaos/CityofFire.jpg[/img] [b]Nymphe[/b] The Continent of Water is located under the sea that covers a majority if Divus, though it is surrounded by a magical barrier that keeps the water from burying the whole continent. Nymphs are the main race that live on this continent and hold a Mastery over Water and attend the schools that are designed to assist them in their Mastery, which takes an average of 5 years. The Capital of this continent is the City of Water. [img]http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/CelesteAngelofChaos/CityofWater.jpg[/img] [b]Tellus[/b] The Continent of Earth is located much like any other continent on the planet earth is; only it is filled with forests and jungles. Elves are the main race that lives on this continent and they hold a mastery over the Earth. Just like any other race, they attend schools to build their mastery, often taking 6-10 years. The Capital of this continent is the City of Earth. [img]http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab296/Kushluk/Elfcity3.jpg[/img] [b]Zephyru[/b] The Continent of Wind is located in the clouds, high above the Oceans of Divus. Shifters are the main race that lives on this floating continent, as they have the ability to fly where they must. Shifters are capable of Mastering the Element of Wind, often being taught at home by their elders as they are also taught about their ‘spirit’ animal. Schooling of this type often takes 13 years, as the animal does not become present until the Shifter’s adolescent years. The Capital of the continent is The City of Wind. [img]http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/CelesteAngelofChaos/CityofWind.jpg[/img] [b]Tenebra[/b] The Continent of Darkness, the Demons roam free and unchecked, often fighting among themselves. Demons hold the power over darkness, their schooling time varing, therefore there is no documentation. ēna Kristāla City is the Capital of the Continent. [img]http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/CelesteAngelofChaos/CityofDarkness-1.jpg[/img] [b]Lucerna[/b] The Continent of light is where the Humans reside. This Continent is also a normal land mass like that of the elves, only it is comprised of many cities and very little forest. The humans here practice Light Magic and often become healers, Paladins or any form of highly religious personnel. Their schools depend souly on what route they wish to take with their magic. Their Capital is called the City of Light. [img]http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/CelesteAngelofChaos/futuristic_city_3_test_by_rich35211-d37li6m.jpg[/img] [b]The Lost Continent[/b] The Lost Continent has been barren since the Dark Lord had the inhabitants, and the land itself, exterminated because they refused to accept him as their new found leader. Those on the remaining six continents have long since forgotten the Lost Continent’s name and the name of the Race that once resided there, their power lost to time. This is the resting place of the Dark Lord Bonketsu and Morphisor, the place where the Six Legendary Sages saw it fit to seal them. What better place to eternally trap those who destroyed the land, within the land itself. Now, the land is slowly being shaken apart as both Bonketsu and Morphior stir, slowly coming out of their enchanted slumber. [img]http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/CelesteAngelofChaos/Shadowlands_NL_title01_b.jpg[/img][/center]