[quote=@Vilageidiotx] In pure Marxism, these details and the obvious complications is where the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" came in. Thing is, Marx was only into arguing that the revolution must occur, and doesn't predict the exact details of it. His schtick wasn't to discuss the problems of Communism, which he was leaving for future generations, but rather the point out what he saw as fatal problems in capitalism. I feel like Marx's place in modern society is more about giving a second perspective. Clearly his doomsday didn't go down quite the way he assumed it would, but because he didn't ace the test doesn't mean he didn't have some perspectives that should be taken into consideration. Modern socialism I feel is looking at a different set of problems, namely the twin problems of economic stagnation in developed countries and the looming threat of final automation. Because the Marxists failed, after all, doesn't mean that Capitalism is the word of god for all time and always. We gotta look at the problem from all angles instead of, like the An-Caps do, hunting for virginal sacrifices to feed to the Volcano god called capitalism. Or, like the liberals do, assume it will be CURRENT YEAR forever. [/quote] Which I guess is the ultimate beauty of the Left. There's a lot of discussion on how to go about these goals and differing oppinions. You can call them all part of "the Left", but then also can't quiet all think of them as the same thing. Unlike, you know, fascism perhaps where the only difference is whatever ultranationalism for whatever country and whether or not white people should marry Asians.