[@DepressedSoviet] On Tekrat's pacifistic nature, does he absolutely avoid conflict and runs away from it constantly? If he was told to follow the party into what was very likely a battle or skirmish, would he just bail and run for the hills? Does he just curl up in a corner with his hands over his head in his hands if just suddenly a fight errupted? What if he's charged by a cultist, does he run face and run or try to pull off a shot with his revolver? [@BCTheEntity] The main issues I see is with his war gear. You say that a chainsword would "produce too much recoil" and yet you give a 13 year old, unaugmented boy a bolt pistol and expect him not to severely bruise his shoulder or break his wrist when he fires it? Bolt weapons still have sizable recoil that takes time getting used to, even for a fully grown adult, even the pistols. I see no reason why he can't just be given a stubber or even a laspistol, both of which would be more than suitable for him. The fact he's carrying around a sword is a minor thing; I suspect that he would be more likely to carry around a knife. Overall, it seems like that you are given him the equipment one would expect from an adult psyker/null/agent, never mind the fact that you are playing a prepubescent boy.