[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5hNmE2YTYuU21GdFpYTWdWR2h2Y201bC4wAA,,/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img][h2][i]And[/i][/h2] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi4wMDAwMDAuUVhKamFHVnkuMAAA/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] Interacting with: Taka, Assassin (Jack) [@1Charak2][/center] As Taka finished her spell, James became aware of a unusual drain within his magic circuits, but only as he felt it slowly close as if plugging itself. As she explained that she had removed a curse she had placed on him, his mind began to process her words. She mentioned removing a curse at the same time as the drain disappeared, and he had noticed his Mana levels were much lower than they should have been during the confrontation with the Hassan-incarnation of Assassin. By his best guess, it was a counter-magic curse she had placed on him at some point around their first fight. While not completely effective against non-magi or unconventional ones like himself, it would be a devastating weapon against other Magi. A weapon they would be able to use together, it seemed, as she extended her invitation to an alliance. [color=dimgray]"An Alliance. That's something I can agree to."[/color] As she continued, he didn't respond verbally and instead just nodded his head. He started walking in the direction of his safehouse, but not the one he had spent the night before at, brushing off his servant's mental questioning with a few concise answers. In truth, he had three safehouses scattered around Fuyuki, and another just outside of the area. They were old properties of his mentor, but after she had disappeared he had decided to make the best use he could out of them. It didn't take long for the Magi pair and their respective partners to reach it, hidden in plain sight in the suburbs. It was a fairly nondescript two bedroom house with an attached garage, its dull white walls fading into the sea of monotony surrounding it. Unlocking the front door, he took a second to take in the view before he stepped into the hallway, allowing his newly minted ally to follow him. The first door on the right was a fairly large living room, with enough space to comfortably fit two black armchairs and a matching 3-person sofa with a glass coffee table between them. Directly across from them was a large TV on a metal and glass TV cabinet with a DVD Player and games console all stacked on different shelves. There was a modern kitchen attached at the far end, a wooden table with 6 chairs sitting comfortably to the side of the black marble worktops. Off to the left side of the hall was a set of stairs, leading up to the first floor which held the bedrooms and one of the building's bathrooms, the other being further down the hall on the left. At the very end was another door to the kitchen, and directly to the side was the door leading into the small attached garage. To the uninformed, it seemed like a pretty normal house, a little too big for one man to live in alone, but otherwise ordinary. Stepping into the living room, James smoothly removed his coat and tossed into onto one of the arm chairs, revealing himself to be wearing a slim grey shirt with a black tie and waistcoat over black slacks and low-profile boots. His pistol was still holstered to his chest as he went over and leaned against the threshold of the kitchen. [color=dimgray]"Do you want something to drink, or is there something that you need to pick up from your... place first?"[/color]