[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Tabitha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Tabitha was staring at a couple of individuals, trying to instill them in her mind, their details, the shapes of their eyes, noses, mouth, ears, the way their hair moved in the wind, the way they moved, or leaned. She studied one guy for a full three minutes, watching as he walked through the park, appearing troubled, or at least certainly having dark thoughts, matching the outward appearance of dark hair and yet he seemed at ease, walking through the beautiful nature and even smiling kindly at people. She watched him for a time, trying to capture that smile, dropping her eyes back to the paper and quickly sketching it in, keeping it in the front of her mind, glancing up again tocatch another detail or two, taking a moment to search for the man again. Satisied, she bowed her head, quickly sketching in the details, the slightly mussed appearance with his hair in the wind, the brooding attitude, so at odds witht he kind smile. She found a sort of peace in herself as she tried to bring to life the man on paper. Slowly she filled in the details with percise strikes, and satisfied, she leaned back, flicking the page to colour it in later. While Tabitha was more into abstract art, drawing people could be really therapeutic, and she was slowly starting to feel better. She scanned the people once more, eyes landing on a woman, white hair, extremely pale, and she could imagine that under those sun glasses, she had the pink red eyes of someone that was an albino. Tabitha watched her a moment, intrigued, before she bowed over her sketch pad, quickly sketching in the details, the wispy quality the woman's hair seemed to have in the slight breeze caused by her walking, the way the sunglasses sat on the woman's nose, the way the woman walked in her heels-and really, who could ever walk in hells? Tabitha found herself smiling, relaxing and letting the art flow over her. Leaning back after a few moments, Tabitha studied the image of the woman she had just drawn, wishing she could see the woman's eyes, but nevertheless satisfied with it. Moving on, her gaze landed on a red-headed young woman who appeared...troubled? Niesha watched her as she entered the park, studying her for a moment, wondering what was up, before putting pencil to paper, and quickly drawing the details that had intrigued, spending a little bit of time trying to capture everything. By now Tabitha was feeling more normal, and she was capturing details that others might not see, pouring emotion into the drawings. She sighed happily, returning to the first drawing on the man, and quickly feeling in anything little she may have missed, before reaching for her colours, starting to put those details in. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, this....marriage thing. Maybe it wouldn't be confining. Maybe she could still be...free. And maybe whoever it was....would actually like her. Carefully trying to get the percise shade of the mans eyes, Tabitha sighed. Might as well wish for a bucket of gold at the end of a rainbow.