[@Penguin] [h3][color=thistle][center]- Viviana -[/center][/color][/h3] The crack of gunshots was not something Vivi typically headed directly towards. If anything she most often went in the exact opposite direction, actually. This time, however, the stench of fear and female made the young woman push her stallion into an easy loping gait. His hooves pounded into the ground, his squared off toes giving him the needed traction to maneuver more readily through the trees. Vivi directed him towards the scent of the other female, once he realized what she was doing he needed no more direction from her. She could hear their target running rather noisily through the woods just ahead of them. She slowed Gunnar to a brisk trot as Nikita went for the man the girl had appeared to have slashed. Her dark cloak along with Gunnar and Nikita's dark coloring would keep them from being noticed until the last moment more than likely. When the girl finally came into her direct line of sight Vivi realized that the girl was several years younger than she was but like many people, she knew the hardships that came with this wasteland. The long strides of her stallion closed the distance between them easily. Once she was closer she let the hood from her cloak fall back to reveal her pale face and blue eyes before she spoke in a growl. "[color=thistle]Grab my hand and get on, girl. It's much harder to track hooves and paws than noisy feet.[/color]" She could clearly hear the grunt from the man closest to them which Nikita was dispatching, his gurgled breaths left little to the imagination as to what her dog had done. Nikita reappeared within her sights, his face dripping with blood. Her brilliant blue eyes flickered briefly to the dog, offering him a soft smile. She would reward him greatly for his part in their little rescue mission. They would easily outpace the men threatening the girl. Gunnar was strong and young, he could carry them for many miles at a lope before needing to slow down to cool himself off and catch his breath. Unless they had a vehicle or horses as fit as her own they would never catch them. Another man had jumped into the fray, firing off several more shots to get the attention of the last two men. That would give them more than enough time to put a significant distance between them.