He lives in you Appearance:[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3a2deb2e-8259-4130-8f37-739f49ebe73a.jpg[/img] Name: Ca (I ran out of ideas XD. This kid is going to be picked on so much!) Nickname: Not at the moment Age: young Cub Gender: Male Crush: "What's that?" Mate: "What's a m.. mayt?" Cubs: "I'm a cub!" Personality: Ca is really bubbling giddy happy little cub that loves to run around and chance anything that moves. History: "I have a mum and dad... I haven't seen them in a long time, though..." Other: He loves to chance rabbits and other lion's tails Pride Name: "I have pride in myself all the time!" Members: ... Rank in pride(if you have one): Orphaned Cub Pride's Location: Prideland but he just wonders around since he doesn't have a Pride Theme song(just for fun): [youtube] https://youtu.be/VW9wlPtDc50 [/youtube] (I can't figure out a good Pride for him. But he is already able to eat solid food. I'm just using my knowledge from warrior cats honestly.)