[h2]Falke – East Shopping District[/h2] It hadn't exactly taken long to track down the women in question, not many in Falke sauntered around loudly declaring their presence in a set of, frankly excessive looking, golden armour. Even still the cloaked figure was surprised by how little the blonde haired women downplayed her presence, perhaps she thought at that point it didn't matter but at least make an effort. She seemed to be arguing with a woman cloaked in fur and seemingly having claws for hands, it could well have been the cat looking lady Bafford mentioned but it's best not to jump to conclusions with his information. There was another, a much more reserved woman who seemed to be at a loss for how to deal with the situation unfolding before her, Cain was about to turn his attention away from her but then thought better of it, in his line of work even the most unassuming should be kept firmly in view. Following the warrior to this chaotic scene had been relatively straight forward, ordinarily Cain would never dare traverse the streets in his armour but at this time of day with the sheer density of people, coupled with Cain's knowledge of the back alleys and crevices he kept a steady pace alongside his target with minimal effort. The rooftops would have been much faster but in broad daylight he'd be a very easy sight to see perched atop a gargoyle or hanging from the side of a building. Cain stuck to the shadows but attempted to move in slightly closer, blending in with swathes of buyers and sellers, so that he may eavesdrop on the conversation at hand. Adventurers weren't anything new in Falke, but with the bridge burned down and a steady stream of work dwindling, times were tough. Cain usually lived on a shoe string budget anyway but this was beginning to get worrisome, he hadn't slept in a bed for some time and sooner or later Bafford and his other contacts were going to upgrade their locks. If this blonde warrior did indeed search for companions and had the coin to pay for it, a lucrative job may be available for him to walk into. Provided she didn't immediately cause enough of a scene to have the city guards get involved.