[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Leon & Saber ([@vancexentan])[/center] [center][h2]Jonathan's base of operations - 2:40 PM December 2nd, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Albert looked around at the room, stunned. A pacification field. He'd had no idea Durandal possessed this sort of ability. He sighed. Well, that was that then. Their cat, unlike David, still chilling in the hotel icebox, was officially out of the bag. Oh well. He could hardly complain. He'd asked her to do it after all, and while it may have seemed as though the effort had come to nought, Berserker sounded like he already knew the identity of that sword anyway. Said that he didn't want to cross paths with it "again". But that confused Albert. As (his) Berserker had revelatorily explained, the man before them was none other than Beowulf. Yet, to his knowledge, Beowulf had lived in a completely different part of the world hundreds of years apart from Roland. How would he have ever encountered Durandal? It was impossible. Unless he meant of course that someone else in this War possessed the same Noble Phantasm as Berserker did. Now there was a worrying thought... Albert decided not to think too hard about that just yet. For now, it seemed as though the sacrifice they'd made in revealing Berserker's identity today hadn't been entirely without meaning. That alone was worthy of some measured amount of relief. And now they had a clue as to the identity of another enemy Servant. A very confusing one, but a clue nonetheless. Already some names occurred to him. Weyland the Smith seemed the most likely, as many versions of the Matter of France attested to him having forged Durandal, as well as the twin swords of Beowulf, Naegling and Hrunting. But then wouldn't Beowulf have addressed him with more familiarity? It wasn't much to go on, but it was a start. He frowned. The real problem now was, "What do you [i]mean[/i] you don't 'ave ze equipment?" he asked Leon accusatorily. "You can forge a geas wizout a scroll, can't you? Seems to me like zat should be much easier to do zan making one of zose accursed zings. Did your mozer really not teach you?" He'd been hoping Leon would say he could make a proper scroll. Self-geas scrolls tended to be much more binding than the relatively informal version he was now being forced to propose. They'd hold fast even after death, whereas a geas forged by a mutual agreement between two magi without a scroll could still be undone (albeit with significant effort). He didn't doubt they'd try either. These men, and the man behind him... they were clearly all fanatics worse than Roland. Reasoning with them was pointless from the beginning. But if they could just get out of her with their squishy parts still inside them... That's when he noticed. Something interesting had popped up on his Servant's stat sheet. [i]Hamartia...?[/i] [/hider]