[@Spiffy] Hmm. I think the 'perfect solder' part is played up a bit here, not necessarily bad eh. Your parahumanism seems to be two unrelated powers, mental manipulation as well as physical enhancement. Parahumanism generally falls under 1 direct theme or ability, for you two have both of those you'd have to a have a more valid explanation for why that is the case. A one-mile radius is also a big area, just how strong is his ability to manipulate people? Are we talking forcing a normal functioning person being driven to suicide in a few moments, or causing them so feel unsure and doubt themselves, making mistakes and feeling depressed? His derangement is also I personally feel not very impactful. It's more of a result of his powers rather than a cause. If you'll look at other cs's their power has directly changed the way their mind works, where as yours is simply a result of acquiring his powers, if that makes sense.