[@Turboshitter][@Grey] [color=00a651]"I specialize in combat oriented dueling not binding ritual contracts. I'm not very familiar with the ways they are made in and out. In order to make the one I had I used a manual written by a friend of mine. If it really matters all that much find me some god damn paper and I'll write out the most rudimentary version of the damn thing that I can."[/color] Leon said with frustration as he smacked the wall with his hand. [color=00a651]"More over didn't this jackoff just say that he wouldn't sign it? The Geis Scroll on one's self requires a willingness to sign. I can't forge his name on the damn thing."[/color] Leon pointed out as Saber groaned as he placed his hand on his head. [color=bc8dbf]"There are few times when I missed my comrades' constant arguments on how things should be done. At least when they complained they knew what they were complaining about. If I may be so bold as to ask perhaps we should simply take the chance on this man's word? Or failing that hasn't he already accepted your previous terms? Beowulf, Berserker he may be, but he has his pride. Do you think a man like that would allow treachery to go....[/color] Saber said as he turned to look at Albert. [color=bc8dbf][i]"...Shield was still thriving when his time came and he crossed over into the Lord's keeping. His warrior band did what he bade them when he laid down the law among the Danes: they shouldered him out to the sea's flood, the chief they revered who had long ruled them. A ring-whorled prow rode in the harbour, ice-clad, outbound, a craft for a prince. They stretched their beloved lord in his boat, laid out by the mast, amidships, the great ring-giver. Far-fetched treasures were piled upon him, and precious gear."[/i][/color] Saber said as if quoting a book as he nodded his head. [color=bc8dbf]"Would a man as beloved by his people as that, allow us to go into a trap so willingly after his master gave us their word?"[/color] Saber asked of Albert with a simple tone.