[center][h1][color=0076a3][u] Kieran Hishamie [/u][/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Appearance] [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/150711/anime-anime-art-anime-boy-anime-guy-Favim.com-2941040.jpg[/img] [/hider] - [@caits] - Kieran leaned back so he was laying on his back, and as he closed his eye he wondered how hard someone would have to train and how they would learn to create something so unique in such a....visible way. Kieran was able to write out his creations with words, something almost anyone could do. Put the correct word in the correct spot in the correct sentence in the correct paragraph and you have a complete author, capable of writing a best seller. Kieran scoffed mentally, thinking how he was being stupid. He was awesome at what he did, nobody else can write the way he writes. Kieran put his hands behind his head and crossed his legs. [color=0076a3]"Thats pretty neat",[/color] Kieran said [color=0076a3],"I could never draw a pretty picture like that, I cant even draw a stick figure. Granted I could turn a description of a stick figure into a full essay but whatev."[/color] Kieran chuckled. [color=0076a3]"So I am starting to pick up that you came here to...clear your mind. Stupid shit go down recently? If you want you can talk about it."[/color] Kieran paused for a moment, thinking about something then shrugging. [color=0076a3]"I mean I am just a stranger, but be warned if you tell me something awesome I might include it in the book I am writing."[/color] Kieran relaxed his muscles, and calmed down. He wasnt amped or hyped up, it was just something he did when he wanted to pay attention to ever little detail that usually involves a story. He didnt do it often, mainly because a lot of stories he hears were not worth detailing and he preferred to only use this much mental energy when it came down to his writing. [@blackpanther][@kyrisse][@light the dark][@kaalee][@kidd][@neno 1445][@ashevelendar]