When she called Loghain a War Hero, a very dangerous look entered Rannon's face. It was good his back was turned to her. He closed his eyes, and breathed. "Don't call him that," he told her, finally tying his belt up. He realized she might think he was mad at her, and he let out a sigh. "Sorry," he said. "But Loghain is no longer what he was, if he ever even was what the stories told." Well, of course he had to have been noble at one point. The Hero of the River Dane wouldn't be called as such without witnesses. Rannon turned to Feri, though he looked mainly at Gideon to hide his (possible) look of simmering anger, for he tried to keep it just below the surface. He did noticeably clench his large fist though. "The battle was going well, or...as planned at least. There were so many Darkspawn pouring out of the forest, but we were holding the lines. I fought for hours in that hell hole, beside Grey Wardens and even our King." He could see it all clearly now. "But when the beacon had been lit to signal for Loghain and his soldiers to enter and flank the enemy, he never came. I saw him on the hill. He watched, and then fled. I saw that [i]bastard leave[/i]." Now the rage was evident, if not from his look then the sheer hatred in his voice. Rannon was not one to get angry. He was someone who spoke bluntly and gave his two cents when needed, but he'd never had someone to truly do something so heinous, and then Rannon was [i]too far away[/i] to do anything about it. He took a deep breath, and cleared his throat. "Feri," he said after he'd calmed down. His voice was strong and confident once more. "I'll go to Redcliffe. But before this war is over, I'll kill him. If you don't want to follow me into that, I don't blame you."