[quote=@Vilageidiotx] I'm not married to the ideas I am arguing for here by the way. I totally recognize there are some glaring flaws here. But I think, generally speaking, any place where you deprive the general population of power is a net negative, whether this be in government or in the economy. Shit, I think the only political idea I am totally married to is the idea of civic engagement as, like, some sort of 11th commandment. [/quote] I say we move all meetings of local-level government to a time and day of the week that causes minimal interference with people's day-to-day lives and offer either free beer, food, or the mix of the two in order to encourage a state of local-level civic engagement. If at the least no one actually has any tangible influence in the proceedings of county-level or city councils the council people can be held closer to the fire and the broader population is made more aware of their own local politicking, which is - if anything - more important to day-to-day lives than Washington shit-posting. Once they figure out shit's more important than they thought, and why they're suddenly paying more or less in taxes because of a millage passed or dropped then maybe local elections will be less dead and we can start boosting overall participation in democracy.