[img]http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/shockwolf4/image_zpskojyyrdf.jpeg[/img] Name: Zara Sklar Nationality: United States, Texas Race: Humanoid Personality traits: doesn't talk much, likes to tinker, will fight in order to make sure people get out alive. Brief Bio: Zara used to be part of the street gangs, mostly cause what choice did she really have? Food was scarce and people were struggling so she turned to the streets in order to survive. That was before she was caught and sent to prison, though that didn't last long not when the Elites started falling, ever since she's been helping out anyway she can. Role: Combat Specialist Ailities: Biotics as she dubbed them increases the forces of her punches and kicks allows her to make enemies back off if there are too many around her with a punch to the ground that releases a shock wave which stuns as well as making them stumble back. Charging with her biotics makes her cover distance between her and the enemy faster or she can slam into them. A glow of blue outside her skin is the only warning anybody gets before she's off. The only thing is the more she uses them the more she'll have to either rest or eat to compensate for the lost energy she used she can't protect herself with them as well it's only use is for offensive as well as if she uses too much biotics the amp will shut down before it over heats and she can't use them for an hour or two giving it the time to cool down. Weapons: Ballistic pistol and shotgun (pistol is for the times the biotics are offline) Armor: Gallium that has been mixed with chronoium which still allows the movement she needs, but is more protective than gallium by itself