[center][h3][b][color=darkorange]Tarly Finch[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [color=darkgray]"Get the fuck out of my house you scrawny little bastards!"[/color] slammed a voice down the street as a selection of pale figures scarpered out the windows and doors howling with hyena-like laughter. [i]Smash.[/i] Looked like the baseball bat the man had been wielding had found something.... [color=darkorange]"Ah shit, Ed!"[/color] called Tarly with a laugh as he vaulted over a wall in nothing but his blue and white striped boxers and a post-it note on his forehead he had yet to realise was there. He held a bundle of last night's clothes under one arm as he sprinted down the street, staggering to a halt at the corner as he turned to see how many of his partners in crime had gotten out. A big, cheeky grin spread across his face as something else caught his attention. [color=teal]"The hell you looking at? I'm fine!"[/color] Ed careered down the street and almost passed him, but he slowed to turn and see exactly what it was that Tarly was staring at when he realised that Tarly was concerned with something else. A gaggle of girls from the party had collected at the bedroom windows to laugh at their misfortune. Ed placed a finger to his ear and mouthed "call me" as Tarly bowed with an exaggerated flourish of his hands that would have gotten terrible marks if he'd taken theatre in his school days. The girls giggled to each other and then suddenly were banging on the window and pointing to the street. Ed's expression turned to dread. [color=teal]"uh-oh, Tarly."[/color] Ed wrapped a hand around his shoulder and jerked him upright, just in time for Tarly to see the grizzled man with his baseball bat running down towards them screaming obscenities. Tarly's feet pounded the pavement next to Ed's sneakers and across the tarmac as they legged it through street after street. A horn blared at them from a corner. "Room for one more!" shouted a familliar voice from the party and Ed's neck snapped up as he changed path and careered down the road. [center][color=teal]"Best of luck, mate!"[/color] [color=darkorange]"Traitor bastard!"[/color] Tarly would of done the same, but Ed was always quicker on the uptake. [color=teal]"Text me later if you get out alive!"[/color] He gave him the finger.[/center] [color=teal][sub]"I'll comfort Cassie when you're gone!"[/sub][/color] his voice drifted to nothing as the tiles squealed and the car careered down the street, rocked by laughter mixed with loud music. Tarly looked up and down the road, but it was a straight line in both directions and every second he was loosing his headstart. The screaming in the distance reminded him of that. [center][sub][color=darkgray]"I'll get you you bloody filthmonkeys! Stay the hell away from my daughter!"[/color][/sub][/center] [i]She's the one who threw the party...[/i] Tarly thought to himself cheerfully as he decided instead to dart into the trees before him. The woods would eventually break up into to the park, and from there maybe he could make his way to the highstreet to get a burger or something. God, it was freezing. ♪ [i]Tequila![/i] ♪ He glanced behind him and slowed his pace, pretty sure after a while the man had careered off down the road like he'd hoped. His phone flashed up with a name: Mark Finch. [color=darkorange]"Oi."[/color] greeted Tarly as he brought the end of the phone up to his lips. [color=salmon]"Morning baby brother! Hey, are you out of breath?"[/color] cut the crisp, well-spoken voice of the perfect son through the phone. [color=darkorange]"Oh yeah you know at the gym and stuff. Hows you?"[/color] he slipped the phone to his shoulder as he wrestled with some socks - the most natural initial clothing choice to go for in this situation. [color=salmon]"I'm good, I'm good. Listen, Tarly, I'm not sure if you've got my texts, but I'm wondering when you'd be free to meet this girl. You know, about the marriage thing we talked about the other day? Now I know this is a bit old fashoined, Tarly, but I really do think it'd be so good for you-"[/color] [color=darkorange]"crrrkkk chrrrrkkk woooooosshh crkkkkr - ah! mate? you there? -- chhhhrrr"[/color] he picked up the phone like it was an aeroplane and moved it about. [color=darkorange]"ah mate? hello?"[/color] [color=salmon]"You're not serious Tarly."[/color] yep, totally unimpressed. [color=darkorange]"Aw man! You're breaking up!"[/color] Tarly said over him, [color=darkorange]"Hell-"[/color] he clicked the phone off and shoved it in his pocket, which happened to be somewhere in the pile of clothes he was carrying like a football under his arm. He emerged with a shiver like a sasquatch from the treeline and into the sun. Tarly squinted as the beams caught his eyes and obscured the sign on the nearest building. [color=darkorange]"Leebry?"[/color] this was not the park. Maybe it was the phone call, or the fact he was busy putting on his socks while walking, but somehow he'd gotten a little lost. [@Light the Dark] A girl with bright purple hair had just escaped her car. Tarly waddled over her as he pulled a shirt over his head. Gotta be presentable, and all that. He stood before her in his boxers and vibrant magenta-navy shirt. [color=darkorange]"Scuse me, love!"[/color] cor, she was fit. [color=darkorange]"Look, I don't usually ask this to strangers, but is there a dick on my face?"[/color] he asked, throwing his arms out - one hand still holding his jeans - palms up in an attempt to be non-threatening. The post-it note on his forehead whistled slightly in the light breeze.