[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Newnan[/color][/i][/b] - Tatiana looked up and over to Ash when he came in, apparently there to get a check up from the Doctor. She didn't know who was or was not lost so far, she heard things but she wasn't asking. It wasn't her place. All she did know was that Jack was back safely. Standing up she smoothed out her pants and wrapped her arms around herself, looking around nervously. [color=a187be]"Thank you for bringing Jack back safe,"[/color] she said meekly before giving the man a rather abrupt but heartfelt hug. It was quick the way she moved, but she held it, not caring if he returned it. She would have given him or done anything he wanted right then to show her gratitude that Jack was back safe but all she had right then was a hug. And frankly the way his face was, it seemed like he could use one. Turning as she heard Jack enter she released Jack, smiling brightly to him before rushing over to him and wrapping her arms around his chest and burying her face there. [color=a187be]"Ve stay together,"[/color] she said letting out a shuddering breath as she squeezed much tighter than one would think possible from such a small girl. Looking up at him she forced a smile, biting her bottom lip. Hearing Ciel cough some she let Jack go and headed over to the boy, brushing his hair back with her finger tips. [color=a187be]"That cough not sound good, you have cold?"[/color] she asked Ciel as she pulled another blanket up on him and adjusted his pillow. Things in the rest of the city seem to be calm, Miss Sally making sure those waiting on Ash in the Mess Hall were fed and had plenty to drink. Making the rounds to take names down and who was comfortable with who so she could get to work on sleeping quarters for each of them. Fanning herself a few times she stepped over to the AC unit and cranked the AC on. "There, that's better," she said with a smile. "Figure we could make it more comfortable in here while we wait. Now, other than food, drink, and sleep - is there anything any of you all need for the evening? Ash will be by shortly for interviews, then we will get you to rooms where you can sleep. Sadly we don't have AC everywhere but you will be able to take a hot shower in your rooms and there will be some clean clothing for you all to change into. There will be a basket in your rooms to put your dirty laundry marked with your room number, you will need to bring those with you in the morning here to drop off so that Domestics can get them washed for you." [b][i][color=ed1c24]Franklin[/color][/i][/b] - Beni sighed deeply as he looked over towards the girls and Mike as they came out of the school. "A hoard, Newnan lost 3 of theirs helping us get the kids and Ray to their doctor, we lost Marx," one of the crew that was part of the group that went to Newnan and back. Lyon rubbed his face as Lyon knelt down and scoped Sana up in his arms before carrying her weeping into the school. "Marx was Sana's brother," Beni said and Mike looked down at the ground for a minute before shaking his head. "Damn.. alright, well I can bury Marx for Sana. She shouldn't have to right now. Amelia, Riley, are you girls any good at making things? Like crafty? Would be nice for Sana if we could make a grave marker for her brother," he asked the girls as he went over to the truck and ordered a few of the guys to take Marx's body out to the grave plots behind the school.