[h2][center][color=00ff66]Calanon[/color] (& Brogach)[/center][/h2] [color=00ff66]Location:[/color]Beside the Cave [color=00ff66]Interacting with:[/color]Gretchin mostly Calanon nodded, gripping his sword in anticipation at Gretchin's words. They had a solid group as of just now. The Elf felt he could serve whatever aspect they needed, be it scout, archer, or with his sword. Brogach would be ready too, he knew. The Elk seemed caught in the curiosities of how the group interacted and spoke. His eyes met Gretchin's when she placed a hand on his shoulder, showing he was ready for whatever was out there at the moment. Deep down, he was simply glad she seemed to feel more apart of the group now. Kyra, who was very close to Satilla and Keystone, had gotten Keystone's cloak which is what Calanon was just about to do. But now that Sana had all the help she could get, Calanon was going to serve his purpose as defender of the group (to the best of his considerable abilities). Briefly, he wondered how the Orcs had fared doing this undead incursions. Even they didn't deserve undeath. No one did.