--Incomplete Gowi- Anastasia Imara Kalfox(F), March 12th 2656 (20), Callsign (Little Dragon), Alias (Stein). "I know what the phrase infers. It isn't my job to inspire people, it is my job to meet expectations." Raised to be a perfect soldier: Agressive, Stoic, and generally hard to read or understand. Not without kindness or friendliness. Open to ties of friendship, attraction, or even love but feelings are slow to manifest. Average NC technician (Mechanic), Strives for perfection (Perfectionist), Analytical, Perceptive and instinctive. Quick, dexterous, fast, quick to react effecviently. Proficient in small arms and low-powered submachine guns, skills in CQC with hand-to-hand (Martial Arts) and knife. Little Dragon: Medium Assault (Volkov). Armaments unknown. Polaris Shift: Unknown Kathryn Sheryl Draght(F), May 4th 2663 (13), Callsign (Phantasm), Alias (Ryn). "Wasn’t ‘xactly taken seriously at first. ’cuz you’re a kid oh my god where is your adult?! Fuckin’ morons." Abrasive, Loud, Arrogant, Boastful, Blunt, Confrontational, Condescending, and generally an antangonist to a senseless point. Cares about only herself at the end of the day. Not heartless, hates helplessness that reminds her of how helpeless she was once and will give out help to those people (obtuse "circle of life"). Materialism, Self-medication, and a strive to prove herself to people who are dead or gone. A fighter who will do everything to win (Brawler). Sloppy Mechanic with basic knowledge of electrical engineering (Junker). Phantasm: Medium Sniper (Fairbanks). Armaments unknown. Polaris Shift: Unknown Harrison Richard Kane(M), July 4th 2643 (33), Callsign (Liberator), Alias (Kane)(IX-82B)